
Skincare Myths Debunked: 5 Big Lies You’re Being Told About Achieving Glowing Skin

Ayushi Verma  |  Sep 13, 2021
Skincare Myths Debunked: 5 Big Lies You’re Being Told About Achieving Glowing Skin

PSA: Not all beauty tips are for your benefit. Some are just downright untrue. When it comes to skincare advice on the internet, there is an abundance of conflicting information. Whether you’re looking for the must-have ingredients to establish a stellar skincare routine or you want to know exactly how to go about using said ingredients, trying to get one answer can be tricky. That said, there are six skincare myths that prove particularly troublesome in the quest for a clear, glowing complexion, and we think it’s time to put them to rest.

In a bid to demystify the ever-confusing world of skincare, we took upon the mission to uncover the common skincare lies that rile us up the most. So, without any further ado, keep swiping for skincare myths that could be getting in the way of your clear complexion dreams.

These 5 Skincare Myths Need To Be Debunked ASAP


Drinking Water Is The Only Way To Achieving Glowing Skin

It turns out, in the grand scheme of things, water intake isn’t always the thing to prioritize first. Sure, drinking water is important to the health of the skin but equally as important as getting a regular supply of essential fatty acids in your diet from nuts, avocado, and fish oil. If you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day and your skin still feels dry, it is likely to dry for other reasons. It’s important to apply topical products like hyaluronic acid serums, light moisturisers, and barrier creams when it comes to keeping your skin bright and glowing. 

Myth 4: You Can Change The Size Of Pores

With an ever-increasing number of products that promise to shrink pore size, this skin myth has been floating around for quite some time now. For years, some brands have told us that their products can shrink pores, but this isn’t true. Pore size is usually determined by our genetics and skin types. Yup, they do not open or close like windows. However, you can make them look smaller by keeping them clear of blockages. Glycolic acid peels or chemical peels can mattify the skin and make pores look more refined. 

Oily Skin Doesn’t Need Moisturiser

We understand that applying moisturiser to oily skin that’s prone to congestion might seem counterintuitive. But here’s the thing: all skin types need hydration. In fact, giving oily skin some much-needed nourishment could help tackle excess oil production. Moisture is not the same as oil, and it’s possible to have oily skin that’s dehydrated. The trick is to look out for moisturisers designed specifically for oily skin. 

Burning Means It’s Working

If any product is making your skin burn or turn red, it’s actually a sign of potential long-term damage or serious irritation. While sometimes tingling is associated with products working. Some tingling is good, too much is bad. So what products should we expect tingling from? Usually, very active ingredients like AHAs (in particular, glycolic) will cause a tingling sensation. That said, not all active ingredients like vitamin C will have the effect. If your skin turns red or burns, it means the product is not suitable for you.

Salicylic Acid Is Aggressive

Okay, fine. You’d be forgiven for being sucked into this myth for a couple of years. Because, for one, the term acid can seem pretty daunting, but, as a matter of fact, salicylic acid can work well for most skin types. From controlling sebum production to managing breakouts and blocked pores – salicylic acid when used in the right formulations can really help manage skin problems.

Cause glowing skin is in!

Featured Image: Pexels

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