
8 Gifs That Are Relatable AF To Every Beauty Blogger

Sharon Alphonso  |  Mar 24, 2020
8 Gifs That Are Relatable AF To Every Beauty Blogger

Beauty Bloggers spend most of their day creating content revolving around skincare and makeup. Whether it’s in the form of reviews, vlogs, tutorials, they go out of their way to enlighten their followers on the ‘Gram. While being a beauty blogger is a tough job, you wouldn’t trade it for any other in the world. Whether you yourself are a beauty blogger or have a friend who is one, these gifs make you ROFL!

8 Gifs That Are Relatable AF To Every Beauty Blogger

By the end of it, you’re gonna squeal, “that’s so ME!”

1. You don’t remember the last time you spent money buying makeup


Because everything you own is gifted! #Blessed

2. Your hobbies include binge-watching makeup tutorials


One blogger after the other. Hey, what is inspiration if not borrowed, right! 😉

3. And later, you practice your own makeup tutorial in front of the mirror


I mean, that’s what you do for a living!

4. You’re everyone’s Beauty Guru


Your 911 calls sound like this: “I’m at Sephora, what mascara should I buy?”

5. Your life may not be perfect, but your winged-eyeliner is


And that’s more than enough, for now!

6. When you don’t pick up your phone, your friends know where to find you


Well, at least 99% of the times

7. You wouldn’t be caught dead without wearing makeup


You wear it to the gym to go grocery shopping to meet a friend in the park – every single time!

8. You take self-care pretty seriously


And you don’t mind cancelling your Saturday night plans for it!

Beauty is your identity and anyone who thinks otherwise should just have to learn to live with it. 

Featured Image: Unsplash

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