
7 Workouts You Can TOTALLY Do With Your Boyfriend!

Krithika Kumar  |  Aug 22, 2017
7 Workouts You Can TOTALLY Do With Your Boyfriend!

We all have a little lazy in us which makes us not want to workout. Hence, we believe that workouts with boyfriend will not only motivate you to go to the gym daily but will also give everyone #FitCoupleGoals. While it is a great way to spend time together, it also makes your bond stronger and your sex life much (much) better! After all, couples who workout together, stay together. Here are 7 exercises you can do with your boyfriend to make your workout routine a lot more fun!

1. Running

Running is a great way to stay fit and burn calories whether you do it in the morning or evening. Go for a little run with your partner and cover a mile even before you know it!

2. Alternate lunges

A great lower body workout that focuses mainly on your thighs, lunges always work wonders. Time each other and do alternate sets of lunges and whoever does the most, gets a cute little surprise in the bedroom! *wink*

3. Bootcamps with bae

Bootcamp is a great way of losing weight with the help of intense workout sessions. It will be great to have someone motivate you when you feel like giving up. Plus, bootcamps are super fun too!

4. Crunches

Crunches are not a lot of fun when you do them alone. However, they’re a tad fun when your boyfriend stands in front of you and motivates you for that one last push.

5. Swimming

Channel your inner water baby by taking a plunge in the pool. Swimming is a great exercise especially with a partner because you can time each other, follow each other and motivate each other while you’re at it!

6. Ball squats

Couples with an envious looking booty is real #couplegoals! Get a swiss ball and hold it against your back along with your boyfriend and drop it like it’s hot! *wink*

7. Yoga

When all else fails and you’re tired of intense sessions, give yoga a little shot. It not only calms you down but also gives your body a good amount of workout.

Images: Shutterstock

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