
Want To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply? Here Are 11 Best Lactogenic Foods That Can Help

Sudeshna Chakravarti  |  Aug 1, 2022
Want To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply? Here Are 11 Best Lactogenic Foods That Can Help

Are you experiencing a low breast milk supply? Have you tried every trick but to no avail? Well, we understand that this situation may be concerning to you, especially because your breast milk is your newborn’s sole source of nourishment. But don’t despair, as you can still try consuming specific food to increase your breast milk supply. Yes, you read that right! There are certain nutritional foods that naturally boost your breast milk supply so that you can nourish and nurture your child, worry-free.

To make things easier for you, we have compiled a list of the best lactogenic foods that every nursing mum should include in their diet.

11 Foods To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply Naturally

Many foods have lactogenic properties and are helpful in enhancing your breast milk supply


Apricots belong to the almond family and offer several health-promoting bioactive compounds and nutrients to your body. It also increases the production of prolactin hormones in your body to boost your breast milk supply. You can add fresh or dried apricots to your cereal, porridge, or even your dessert to reap its benefits. Just make sure to avoid using canned apricots as they contain a high sugar content and can be harmful to your health.


Oatmeal is a whole-grain food with an extremely wide nutritional profile. Consuming oatmeal may help up your breast milk supply by enhancing the oxytocin hormone levels. You can either consume oatmeal as a healthy and sumptuous meal during breakfast or use oats to prepare various meals, such as cake, cookies, bread, and porridge. 

Green Leafy Vegetables

Besides boosting your breast milk supply, green leafy veggies help enhance your maternal health

Green leafy veggies are an excellent source of dietary fibre, micronutrients, and bioactive compounds that may improve your postpartum recovery and maternal nutrition. Besides, green vegetables contain an enzyme called phytoestrogen that may help enhance your breast milk supply. You can add several green leafy veggies, such as kale, spinach, or collards ion your meals and enjoy their benefits. 


Salmon is a low-mercury fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality proteins, and vitamins D and B12. These nutrients are highly beneficial for the mum and the baby. Plus, a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine suggests that the consumption of salmon may improve your breast milk supply as well as milk composition. Add salmon to your salads or have it as a side dish along with rice during your lunch or dinner.


Almond has many potential oestrogenic properties and may help enhance your breast milk production. Apart from this, almond offers vital nutrients like healthy fats, protein, and calcium, and can be beneficial for your postpartum recovery. You can consider eating a handful of almonds as a snack during midday or consuming it in the form of almond butter, almond flour, or even drinking almond milk.


Tofu is a soy-based product, rich in micronutrients and protein that may enhance maternal health. In fact, anecdotal evidence suggests that tofu exhibits phytoestrogen properties and may increase your breast milk supply.  You can add tofu to a variety of meal preparations, such as salads, soups, and even curries. 


Ginger is widely known for its medicinal and health benefits, and is also useful in boosting your breast milk supply. You can add fresh ginger pieces to your beverages and meals and reap its benefits. You can also try ginger supplements, but make sure to get a go-ahead from your lactation expert first.


Dates also increase your prolactin hormone levels and increase breast milk production. They also provide several phytochemicals and nutrients that enhance your health during the postpartum period. You can have a handful of dates as a snack or even add them to your breakfast cereal, porridge, and dessert.


While papaya is not recommended during pregnancy, its use during lactation is quite popular for its effective lactogenic properties. According to a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, papaya, and papaya leaf juice can effectively boost your breast milk supply. You can eat papaya as a fruit snack, or add it to other meals, such as your porridge, salads, or even parfait.

Brown Rice

Brown rice helps boost your metabolism, aids in weight loss, and increases your breast milk supply during the postpartum period 

Brown rice is a wholesome grain that adds dietary fibre and vital nutrients to your diet. It also helps in your postpartum weight loss and provides several other health benefits. Brown rice exhibits galactagogue properties that help boost your breast milk supply. You can enjoy several brown rice recipes with fresh veggies and even make things interesting with a sweet and savoury brown rice recipe.


Chickpea is rich in high-quality bioactive compounds, micronutrients, and protein. It also contains phytoestrogens that provide lactogenic benefits and help in enhancing your breast milk supply. You can enjoy chickpeas in various preparations, such as soups, curries, and dips, such as hummus.

In most cases, proper sleep, adequate hydration, and consuming a well-balanced diet can help replenish your breast milk supply. But if these methods don’t work, try adding the foods mentioned above into your diet to enhance your milk supply. Most of these food items exhibit lactogenic benefits that boost milk supply, and also enhance your overall health during postpartum. 

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