
Who Are COVID Long Haulers & What Symptoms Do They Need To Look Out For Post-Recovery

Kanupriya  |  May 18, 2021
Who Are COVID Long Haulers & What Symptoms Do They Need To Look Out For Post-Recovery

I tested positive for COVID-19 almost a month ago and immediately isolated myself. NGL, I thought my recovery process would be easy because I was mildly affected by the virus. Turns out, while I have tested negative and recovered from the infection, I’m still experiencing COVID symptoms like fatigue, weakness and body ache. After consulting a few doctors, I learned that despite recovering from the virus, a lot of people can continue to experience a few symptoms. These post-covid health conditions are known as ‘long-haul COVID’. In these cases, the effects persist for more than four weeks after the person has been diagnosed with the virus.

Not only the second wave is more severe than the first wave, but its symptoms and consequences are also more alarming. However, while you have already won a major battle after recovering from COVID-19, it is advisable to not let your guard down. Look out for these post-covid symptoms that can linger for weeks and even months after the initial recovery. 

Fatigue & Weakness

One of the most common symptoms that long haulers are experiencing is fatigue. Many people claim that even a few minutes of work leave them drained out completely. In fact, they have trouble performing simple tasks like bathing as it often leaves them feeling exhausted.

Apart from taking vitamin supplements, make sure you are eating a protein-rich diet and fruits. While exercising also helps, it is important to take it slow as healing is a gradual process.–how-does-it-effect-covid-19-patients-951054

Brain Fog & Lack Of Focus

Many long haulers also complain of brain fog, lack of concentration, and insomnia. A lot of people post-covid feel a sense of confusion and take more time to complete a task.

If you have recently recovered from the virus, then staying surrounded by COVID-related talks or information, may disrupt your sleep. You can meditate, hydrate your body and even take a social media detox if needed.

Organ Damage

While COVID-19 primarily affects the lungs, it can damage other organs like the heart, kidney and brain as well. Here are the few symptoms that you need to look out for:

Heart Disease

– Sensation of an irregular heartbeat

– Exhaustion that comes on easily

– Chest discomfort

– Sweating for no obvious reason

– Pain or pressure that spreads to your arm (right or left)

Kidney Disease

– Swollen ankles and feet

– Frequent need to urinate

– Urine that’s foamy or bloody

– Weight loss or poor appetite

– Dry and itchy skin

If you experience these symptoms, especially even after 28 days of contracting the virus, contact your doctor.

Anxiety & Depression

COVID-19 has affected the mental health of many. If a patient has stayed alone in isolation for a long time, it’s more likely for them to develop post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression and anxiety.

If you have been struggling with the same, then don’t beat yourself up as we all are in this together. Talk to your loved ones and seek professional help if need be. Try to stay away from social media or any other source that can trigger negative feelings.

More Common Symptoms

Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, COVID long haulers also experience cough, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, mild fever, and shortness of breath. At this point, health experts are not sure who may have long-haul symptoms and who may not. You can look out for all these symptoms once you have recovered completely. Consult your doctor if you continue to experience post-covid health complications after four weeks of the initial diagnosis. 

Remember, your body has fought a deadly virus so it needs time to relax and recover.

Feature Image: Instagram

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