
Bringing Sexy Back: Rock The Backless Cholis' This Season With Panache!

Sue Castellino  |  Nov 17, 2017
Bringing Sexy Back: Rock The Backless Cholis' This Season With Panache!

If there is one thing that screams sex appeal, it’s an open back choli or a cocktail dress. With the onset of the wedding season, it’s time to bring out all those backless outfits. However, not everyone is that comfortable with showing off their back for a number of reasons. Most of us deal with pigmentation, spots while some of us go through the much-dreaded back acne. Here are a few things you can do to prevent breakouts and get a sexy back (Hit PLAY!)!

Let’s Start With A Back Facial

You may have seen back facial listed at your local salon, many beauty centres now offer this back cleansing treatment to clear up your skin. It’s a great way to get rid of existing blemishes and pigmentation and prevent it from reoccurring. You should schedule one every month to see significant results.

Just like a traditional facial, this one also follows the steps of cleansing, exfoliating, steam and pore cleansing which is then followed by moisturising and a good old massage. Some salons use a sonic cleansing brush to really deep clean the skin. This is topped up with a powerful exfoliant like salicylic acid, which can be found in many anti-acne products. Most of the products used are targeted to get rid of acne and give you blemish-free skin.

Depending on the salon, they could also offer brightening, anti-pigmentation and peeling sessions where they use different masks and creams to get your back looking flawless. We suggest getting one of these if you find your bacne is a bit severe and needs something drastic.

Clearing back acne isn’t an overnight procedure, you will need to have a regular skincare routine in place specifically tailored to your back acne. Here are some tips that will help.

1. Consult A Dermatologist

If you suffer from severe acne and scarring, the best option is to consult a dermatologist. Be it hormones or lifestyle, the doc can help find the root cause of your problematic skin, which makes finding a solution and the right products much easier.

2. Unclog Your Pores

When our pores get clogged with any dirt or makeup or even dandruff, it causes acne. If you have dandruff and haven’t gotten it treated, it could be the main cause of breakouts. Using an anti-dandruff shampoo or a hydrating hair masque can reduce flaking that would normally clog pores.

POPxo recommends:  The Body Shop Ginger Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Rs 1,095) will clear your scalp up without robbing it of its natural oils.

3. Exfoliate Once A Week

Many times our backs are difficult to reach and clean properly, meaning dead skin and dirt can remain on the skin even after a good bath. Make sure to use an exfoliating shower gel or scrub and target your back, so that your skin is being cleaned properly.

POPxo Recommends: Vaadi Herbals Face & Body Scrub With Walnut & Apricot (Rs 350) has real walnut husks that helps remove dead skin cells.

Also Read 8 Simple Beauty Tips For A Flawless Back

4. Avoid Synthetic And Tight Clothing

Skin that is prone to breakouts needs to breathe. Synthetic clothing can trap dirt and sweat in pores. If you live in a humid climate, this is especially important, you need your skin to feel relaxed, so opt for breathable fibres like nylon, linen and cotton.  

POPxo Recommends: Nordlich Joan Women’s Printed Nightset – Mint Green (Rs 1,799) made from 100% cotton is perfect for humid nights.

5. Watch What You Eat

A clean and healthy diet is a way forward when it comes to clear looking skin. Anything you think might cause you to break out on your face, can also cause back acne. Some women complain that excess caffeine, coffee or even dairy products cause them to get pimples. Whatever the case, watch what you eat and see how your skin reacts. Stay away from those foods that might cause acne.

Whatever the reason may be for you imperfect skin, that is still no reason to give up on wearing what you want. So ladies, have confidence, as long as you are taking the steps to clearer skin, have patience and it will happen. No matter what, rock those backless cholis, after all, this is the best season to show them off!

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