
Braids So Pretty (And Easy!) That You’ll Want To Try Them NOW!

POPxo Team  |  May 5, 2016
Braids So Pretty (And Easy!) That You’ll Want To Try Them NOW!

Braiding hair has never been so easy! This video will help you master different styles of hair braiding, which work for both curly as well as straight hair. Braided hair suits everyone and always comes to the rescue when you need to get yourself a quick and effortless hairstyle!

What you need: Hair Brush, Hair Ties

Difficulty Level: As easy as making Maggi!

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Two Strand Braid

Step 1: Divide your hair into two sections.

Step 2: Tie the first section of your hair with a hair tie.

Step 3: Make an opening from the first section and take the second section through the opening, thus bringing the second section of your hair to the front.

Step 4: Repeat the same by tying the second section of your hair and taking the first section out through it.

Remember to tie your hair in loose ponytails so that’s it’s easier to bring it out; and if you see the elastic, push it upwards to hide it.

Step 5: Continue the steps till you reach the bottom.

Step 6: Once done, pull up the braids to add more volume.

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Boho Three Strand Braid

Step 1: Divide your hair into two sections.

Step 2: From the first section, start making a three strand braid by dividing the hair in three sections.

Step 3: Put the left strand on top of the middle strand and right on top of the left strand.

Step 4: Repeat same till the bottom.

Step 5: Add one section each from the left-out portion by putting the right strand on top of the left strand.

Step 6: Continue the steps till you reach the bottom and once done secure with a hair tie.

Step 7: Pull the braids out to give a voluminous.

And there you go! You’ve mastered two super amazing new hairstyles to give yourself an effortlessly chic look!!

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