
This Miracle Oil Is Taking Over The Internet & We Know Exactly Why!

Larissa Pinto  |  Oct 21, 2020
This Miracle Oil Is Taking Over The Internet & We Know Exactly Why!

If you’re in your 20s, you’ve probably heard the word Bio-oil and the magical qualities it possesses at least once through advertisements, friend circle or even elders — well, they aren’t wrong. Trust us when we say that this product definitely lives up to the hype. Bio-oil is one of the most powerful products available in the beauty world with all kinds of benefits. From reducing dark spots to hair benefits and even clearing away stretch marks — the list is endless. This orange-tinted oil has great potential in enhancing one’s beauty and we’re here to give it the much-needed recognition it deserves. Keep on reading to find out what makes this product a beauty saviour and why it should be a staple in everyone’s beauty routine.

What is Bio-Oil?

Before we get to the benefits, we’ve got a little more info on this magic potion. This cosmetic oil is enriched with Chamomile- a vitamin-rich oil, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. For years, it has been used to reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks but of late, people have realized that it can do much more.

Benefits Of Using Bio-Oil

After reading these benefits, you’ll be running to get your hands on this product.

Clears Acne Scars


For someone who suffers from adult acne, this is my go-to product during winter to get rid of the remnants of my monsoon acne. Not only does it remove acne scars, but it also keeps my skin soft and supple when the temperature drops.

Works As A Makeup Remover


If you’re out of makeup remover, or your current one isn’t doing a good job, then give Bio-oil a try. Just a little bit of this oil can help dissolve waterproof and even sticky makeup and make the cleansing process so much easier.

Smoothens Hair


Bio-oil is not only beneficial for your skin, but it also works wonders on hair. Those dealing with frizzy hair can tame their mane with this oil. It’s perfect for smoothing those pesky baby hairs or flyaways and it can even hydrate your split ends. Our Beauty Editor, Nidhi Kavle can personally attest to this as it has been her go-to hair product during the lockdown.

Stop Skin From Flaking

Dry and flaky skin can be quite troublesome, but when you massage it regularly with Bio-oil, you can say hello to hydrated, soft, supple skin in just a couple of days.

Fades Stretch Marks

It’s 2020 and stretch marks are no longer a thing to be embarrassed about *it’s totally natural*, but if they are ruining your self-confidence, using this oil for a couple of weeks can help get rid of the lines. The blend of vitamins A and E, along with rosemary and chamomile nourishes the skin and helps fade away stretch marks, making you feel more confident in your own skin.

Reduces The Appearance Of Scars

Bio-oil not only eliminates stretch marks, but it can also fade away scars. Once the wound heals, you can reduce its appearance by using this oil daily on the damaged area.

Cures Itchy Scalps


Since this oil is packed with natural soothing ingredients like supercharged botanicals, lavender and calendula, along with vitamins A and E, it is the perfect candidate to treat a scratchy scalp and reduce flakes and dandruff.

Great For Tired Eyes

Yes, Bio-oil is even safe to use on the delicate skin around your eyes. If you are suffering from dark circles and puffy eyes due to lack of sleep just add a bit of this oil on a cotton pad and dab it under your eyes to soothe it. 

Bio-oil has many beauty benefits but just like any product, do not expect overnight results. You need to use it religiously for a couple of weeks if you want to see visible change.


Featured Image: Pexels & Instagram

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