
#BeautyEmergency: How to Control PMS Breakouts (Premenstrual Acne)

Sharon Alphonso  |  May 6, 2016

It’s that time of the month which makes every woman cringe. Getting your period is a pain (literally!), but what’s even more troublesome are those embarrassing zits that pop up a few days before Auntie Flo pays you a visit. Even if you’ve tried every remedy in the book, we would insist you haven’t explored enough! Here’s a list of 7 super easy ways to deal with and control those PMS breakouts. Clearer skin will definitely help make for a happier period!

7 Ways To Deal With Premenstrual Acne

How Do Your Periods Affect Acne?

This set of facts might give you the jitters, but this is something you NEED to know about your body. PMS symptoms begin to surface 3 to 7 days before your menstruation cycle begins. This is the time where your hormones begin to change. This happens because the levels of estrogen and progesterone tend to fluctuate, which leads to the production of testosterone. While the progesterone increases sebum production, testosterone tries it’s best to cut the process. The clash between these two is what gives rise to acne. Get the drift? Good! Now, let’s move on to the ways of dealing with them.

1. Be A Clean Freak

Don’t slack off on washing your face twice a day, especially before the time in a month when your skin usually breaks out. Instead of using regular soaps, opt for ones which are organic and mild on your skin. Lather it up with lukewarm water. The reason why we suggest that you use lukewarm water is because steaming hot water can cause skin irritation and give rise to further acne. In the process, DO NOT pop or squeeze both, the white and black heads. After you’re done with washing, gently wipe your face using a soft towel, and apply a skin moisturizer. Make it a point to regularly clean makeup brushes, cell phone screens, pillow cases as well. If not cleaned regularly, they could become a breeding ground for bacteria, which can trigger acne during the time your hormones are fluctuating every month.

2. Bring Out The Tea Tree Oil

When it comes to controlling PMS acne, tea tree oil is a super effective home remedy. It contains antibacterial properties which sooths spots. However, you should never apply the oil directly to your face. Take two to three drops of the essential oil in a spoon and dilute it with water. After you’ve mixed it well, it becomes safe to put the mix on the surface of the pimple without causing it any harm. If you can’t get your hands on tea tree oil, you can always buy an acne cream containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These creams also help fight acne. Apply them to your entire face a few days before you are expecting your periods to help avoid a full-fledged breakout.

3. Cut Down On The Stress

During your period, your body is already under a lot of stress. Stress affects the levels of androgen hormones in the body which plays a vital role in encouraging premenstrual acne. The best way to deal with stress is to give your body some rest. Engage in stress free activities like yoga, meditation and swimming to beat the stress away. Book yourself a relaxing massage at your fave spa before PMS hits and make sure not to let troublesome situations get the best of you.

4. See A Doctor About Getting Your Hormones In Check

Did you know that oral contraceptive pills help control premenstrual acne and prevent new breakouts? Interestingly the pill contains both progestin and ethinyl estradiol, which are believed to reduce the frequency and production of hormonal acne. Many doctors recommend taking a contraceptive pill for a few months to get your hormones in check and reduce acne. Dermatologists and Endocrinologists will get you tested to check your hormonal levels and imbalances if acne is a chronic problem, especially around your period and then recommend suitable medication.

5. Garlic Is Your Best Friend

They may have a pungent odour, but they can be extremely beneficial to your body, especially to your skin. It may sound ridiculous, but it’s true! The best part is that they’re inexpensive and can be easily found within the four walls of your kitchen! All you have to do is chop the pod into two, and rub one of the half on your pimple. Apparently, this process if done regularly can eradicate the bacteria and clear your skin! Read about some other weird things that can give you amazing skin here.

6. Take Control By Drinking Plenty of Fluids

The more fluids you consume, the better it is for your system. Compared to other beverages, water is by far the best. Replace those good-for-nothing aerated drinks and processed juice packs with water. Water is a miracle maker when it comes to flushing out deadly toxins from your body, keeping it hydrated, and speeding up your metabolism. The best part, it doesn’t have of the side effects like other beverages do! In short, it’s the healthiest drink you can get your hands on. Around this time, make it a point to load up on fresh juices, coconut water and plenty of H2O to help control those pesky spots from showing up.

7. Pay Attention To Your Diet

Sticking to a healthy diet will not only affect your weight and health, but will also control PMS acne. Leafy veggies, nutritious fruits and oil free meals will give your skin the glow it deserves. Once you cut down on the consumption of foodstuffs that contain saturated fats, oils, dairy and sugar, you’ll see a difference in your health. Lean meats, nuts, beans, salads and fish do wonders as they contain valuable vitamins and antioxidants that help with fighting age and resisting hormonal acne. A week, or two before your period may not be the best time to gorge on greasy foods and junk as you’re most susceptible to excess oil production and breakouts around that time.

MUST-READ: 9 Unexpected Things That Are Causing Your Skin to Break Out

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