
Oops! 7 Beauty Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 6, 2016

Whether you’re a beauty newbie or are quite the pro when it comes to skin and makeup, if you do say so yourself, we’re all making some error or the other in the name of looking fabulous. We help you put an end to the small things you do that are affecting your beauty in BIG ways. Read on for a few beauty mistakes you didn’t know you were making. With a few, simple adjustments, you’ll be looking better than ever before!

1. Stop: Sleeping On Your Front

Not all sleep is beauty sleep! We’ve got some sad news for all you stomach-sleepers, sleeping on your front can lead to more lines and wrinkles, not just on your face, but even on your chest!

Fix It: We think the thought of a wrinkled chest can scare any girl into flipping over on to her back or at least on her side.

2. Stop: Trying Foundation On Your Hand Or Wrist

This is probably something that almost all of us do while shopping for new makeup. Testing a shade on the back of our hands or on our wrists isn’t really going to give us an accurate judgment, since your face and hand aren’t necessarily always the same skin-tone, thanks to the varying sun exposure they get.

Fix It: Before splurging on an expensive foundation, test it along your jaw and not on your hand, to see if it matches your skin-tone well.

3. Stop: Thinking You’re Too Young For Anti-Aging Products

It’s never too early to start thinking about anti-aging, even in your twenties. What you do today will contribute to how great your skin looks a few years down the line. We all know that prevention is key, after all. So, tweaking your skin regime with this in mind can help give you youthful skin at any age.

Fix It: You don’t need to use countless products, we know how confusing that is. Instead, look for products that you already use but with anti-aging properties. We love Pond’s Age Miracle Overnight Repair Cream for being power-packed with ingredients that reduce dullness, lines and age spots, while repairing skin cells as we get our dose of beauty sleep, so we wake up looking fresh as a flower! Also, we all need a moisturizer, and Pond’s Age Miracle Intensive Cell ReGen Serum is perfect for keeping your skin hydrated and healthy as well as helping cell renewal for fresh, young-looking skin, always!

4. Stop: Over-Cleansing!

We’re always going on about the importance of cleansing your skin, but you know what they say about too much of anything being bad, right? In your bid to care for your skin, you could be washing your face a bit too often, which will lead to dryness and flakiness and mess with your skin’s natural pH balance.

Fix It: Stick to cleansing your face in the mornings and after a sweaty, grimy day, and especially after you take off your makeup.

5. Stop: Rubbing Your Face Dry

Using your towel to rub your face after washing it is having catastrophic effects on your skin! All that tugging is making your skin lose its elasticity, which can lead to sagginess and wrinkles. Definitely not a look any of us are aiming for, right?!

Fix It: Instead of rubbing, gently pat your face dry with the towel. Also, always remember to use a different towel for your face from the one you use to dry your hands in your bathroom.

6. Stop: Forgetting To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes are the magical tools that can help you rock your makeup like a pro. But using the same brushes often, without cleaning them, just spreads bacteria from your face to your makeup products and back, which can cause breakouts.

Fix It: Well, clean them, obviously! After every few uses, swirl them around in a bowl of warm water and shampoo and leave them to dry on a paper towel.

7. Stop: Not Paying Attention South Of Your Chin

Did you know that a person’s neck is a dead giveaway of their age? There’s not much point in taking extra care of your face, if you’re just going to ignore your neck. A wrinkly neck ain’t going to compliment a beautiful, clear face!

Fix It: Just like your face, the same rules apply to your neck. So cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize the area as well.

*This is a sponsored post for Pond’s Age Miracle.

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