Bath & Body

Fool-Proof Your Shower Routine By NOT Making These Mistakes

Sakshi Budhraja  |  Nov 24, 2017
Fool-Proof Your Shower Routine By NOT Making These Mistakes

When it comes to something as regular and necessary as showering, we feel we’ve got it all right. Like, what can go wrong with showering, right? It’s not as simple as that. We all tend to make some common mistakes (and have been doing so for years) that are actually affecting us negatively. In this post, we tell you about some of the most common beauty mistakes we’re making in the shower.

1. Avoid Very Hot Showers

A nice hot shower after a long day is always so refreshing, isn’t it? No matter how comforting it is, it dries your skin and hair out. Blistering water tends to strip the natural oils of the skin and scalp. No matter how cold the weather, you should always shower with lukewarm water.

Apply Kama Ayurveda Jwalini Retexturising Skin Treatment Oil (Rs 495) on your body before a shower for soft and supple skin after.

2. Use Mild Body Gels

Yes, the extra foam from all that bathing gel you’re using generously means it’s full of sulphates and phthalates. However, this also does exactly what boiling hot water does to your skin. It dries it out and removes the natural oils from the skin. This, will accelerate sebum production and lead to oilier skin.  

The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel (Rs 345) is a mild cleanser and will leave you with a lovely fragrance on your body too.

3. Exfoliate Your Skin At Least Once A Week

Getting rid of dead skin layers is a must to let your skin breathe and be healthy. This can only happen when you exfoliate your skin regularly. Use a body scrub twice a week; take a dollop onto your fingertips and massage it onto your body in circular motions. This gives you squeaky clean, soft and plump skin in no time.

Scrub your body with the Fabindia Neem Tulsi Gel Scrub Body And Face (Rs 390) twice a week for smooth skin.  

4. First shampoo, then condition.

This is the thumb rule that you shouldn’t overlook  you first shampoo, and then condition your hair. Start by rinsing your hair with lukewarm water and then use some shampoo. The shampoo will cleanse the scalp and hair, and the conditioner will add all the necessary moisture to your strands. Trying the no-poo method i.e. conditioner first and then shampoo later will not give you the desired results.

Try the BBLUNT Intense Moisture Shampoo, For Seriously Dry Hair (Rs 600) to give your mane a moisture boost.

Also Read Body Wash In India For Dry Skin

5. Use A Soft Towel

Always use soft, cotton towels and pat yourself dry after a shower. Rubbing your body with a rough towel will only damage skin cells and strips the skin of natural oils. In fact, wait for the excess water to either soak in your skin or let it drip for a minute and only then use a towel just before stepping out of the shower. This will maintain the moisture level of your skin.

Give the Swiss Republic Cotton Bath Towel (Rs 329) a shot.


We hope you make the most of these tips these winters!

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