
How Often Should You Use Clarifying Shampoos? Here’s An Essential Guide

Eden Noronha  |  Oct 13, 2022
How Often Should You Use Clarifying Shampoos? Here’s An Essential Guide

Clarifying shampoos are one of the most important types of shampoos that need to be in your hair-care arsenal. If you’re not using them, you probably don’t know just how many benefits they can offer your tresses. But if you are overusing clarifying shampoos, you’re making a huge mistake that can really cost you!

Clarifying shampoos cleanse away built-up residue, dead cells, and styling products from your strands, including pesky dandruff flakes. They also help invigorate the scalp and roots so that your hair grows stronger and longer. Everyone needs a clarifying shampoo in their haircare routine, but you need to know when and how exactly to use this product in order to ensure your haircare game is on point. Here’s everything you need to know about clarifying shampoos

What Are Clarifying Shampoos, Exactly?


Clarifying shampoos are a type of shampoo that removes build-up from your hair. They’re made to remove excess oil, dirt, and other particles that have built up on your hair—including dead cells and dandruff. Clarifying shampoos usually contain ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), which can cause irritation if used too often; but when used correctly and sparingly, they are very effective at cleaning out grease from your scalp without stripping it away completely. While a bunch of clarifying shampoos do contain sulphates, there are also many sulphate-free options in today’s market that are just amazing and can be used guilt-free. We recommend opting for sulphate-free clarifying shampoos only, if you want to add one to your haircare routine.

Clarifying Shampoos On Different Hair Types


Clarifying shampoos can be used for different reasons depending on your hair type. For example, if you have oily or sensitive skin, clarifying shampoos are designed to treat your mane. These shampoos help clear up excess oil secretion on your scalp and remove buildup and product residue that might cause irritation. Those of you suffering from dandruff should definitely use a clarifying shampoo to get rid of the flakes, irrespective of your hair type or scalp type. The only flip side is that if you use clarifying shampoos too often than recommended, it can cause your hair to turn dry and may even lead to frizz in some cases.

When Should You Use A Clarifying Shampoo?


Too much of anything is never good. That saying goes for the overuse of clarifying shampoos as well. While these shampoos make your scalp feel invigorated and minty fresh, if you use them too often, they can do more damage than good. If you want to get rid of dandruff with the help of clarifying shampoos, use it every alternate hair wash. Wash your hair twice a week, once using the clarifying shampoo and the next using a nourishing natural shampoo. The same goes for anyone with oily scalp condition as well. Alternate your shampoo every wash with a clarifying shampoo and a regular shampoo no matter how frequently you wash your hair. Those with curly hair can stick to using a clarifying shampoo once or twice a month, unless dandruff has plagued your hair which means you can alternate your shampoos until your locks are clear.

How To Use Clarifying Shampoos?


Take 2 to 3 pumps of the product into the palm of your hand and start massaging it into wet hair until it feels fully worked through with no clumps left behind and a lather starts to build up. Once it is well lathered, allow the product to sit on your scalp for at least a minute as this will help your scalp reap its benefits. Rinse the shampoo out as usual after a minute. After rinsing off all the excess moisture from your strands with warm water, follow up by applying a conditioner. Do not skip conditioner as this will help protect your locks from dryness, frizz, and breakage.

Clarifying shampoos can do wonders for your hair provided you know how and when to use them. They’re great for a quick fix when you need to freshen up or clean up after a messy day, but they’re also incredible if you have dry, damaged, or dandruff-plagued hair that needs extra TLC.

Add a clarifying shampoo to your routine to spot the visible difference in your hair!

Featured Images: Pexels

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