
Summer Hair, Don’t Care: 9 Seasonal Haircare Essentials To Stock Up Right Away!

Kannagi Desai  |  Apr 30, 2018
Summer Hair, Don’t Care: 9 Seasonal Haircare Essentials To Stock Up Right Away!

I don’t know about you guys but when I think of summer, I immediately see myself on a beach with my rose gold shades and Katrina-like wavy hair. Did I get a little too specific? I know. But basically, summer and the tropics go hand in hand. And while a lot of us probably can’t make our Bali dreams come true stat, our hair can look like we JUST returned from the beach.

Here are some products you need to stock up on that will give you the perfect summer hair.

1. Balmain Paris Travel Texturizing Salt Spray

Summer is the ideal time to play up your natural texture. So just spray some of this magic potion to the ends of your hair and scrunch! Another hack that I use is that I divide my hair into two sections and make two Dutch braids before I sleep. So when I wake up,  I actually have the texture to play with! Lion manes are totally in this season!

Price: ₹ 800. Buy it here.

2.  L’Oreal Professionnel Volumetry Salicylic Acid+ Volumetary Shampoo

Summer hair also means a lot of build up on your scalp and oily and limp hair. While you can style your hair and tie it up, if you really want to own summer hair it needs to start with the shampoo you use. A clarifying and volumising shampoo would be great at a time like this!

Price: ₹ 690. Buy it here.

3. BBLUNT Back To Life Dry Shampoo For Instant Freshness Spring Fling

I don’t think I need to tell you how important dry shampoo really is. Apart from extending the time in between washes it also gives your hair that extra volume you might need on particularly blah days.

Price: ₹ 550. Buy it here.

4. Matrix Opti.Care Split End Serum Shea Butter

You’d think that serum weighs your hair down. But during this season the frizz is your biggest enemy and letting your hair dry without a serum could make your hair super static. Bonus? Use the serum instead of a hairspray to tame flyaways!

Price: ₹ 445. Buy it here.

5. Mamaearth Argan Hair Mask

Sun damage is real ladies. You really need to nourish your locks for the stuff you’d put them through by being out in the dust and sun. This mask once in 2 weeks and you and your hair will maintain its sanity!

Price: ₹ 599. Buy it here.

6. Bandana Knot Headwrap

The most versatile hair accessory, this is something you need to have in your stash. Keeps the hair off your face and keeps it chic.

Price: ₹ 1,853. Buy it here.

7. Floral Crown Headwrap

We all scroll through the countless music festival pictures and envy the perfect hair and of course the floral headband. Well, I am leaving this right here, just in case you have somewhere to go!

Price: ₹ 760. Buy it here.

8. Kerastase Soleil Micro Voile Protecteur

SPF just isn’t for your skin. Your hair faces the sun before your skin does and gets affected just as much. This protective spray keeps things safe and cool up there.

Price: ₹ 1,918. Buy it here.

9. Do Not Disturb Floppy Hat

Sometimes your hair needs a little more protection. Honestly, I think I’d rather look like a million bucks while giving my hair what it needs. So this hat does two things. It protects your head and hair AND the writing on it protects you from human interaction. WIN WIN!

Price: ₹ 990. Buy it here.

Featured Image: Instagram

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