
Watch It While You Work It: 10-Minute Workout To Tone Your Body On The Couch

Ekta Alreja  |  Feb 4, 2020
Watch It While You Work It: 10-Minute Workout To Tone Your Body On The Couch

Sometimes, it’s hard preparing yourself to get to the gym, especially during the evenings or weekends when a good TV binge is calling. I feel you and I say, don’t get off that couch. You might be thinking this isn’t ideal–especially when health experts recommend getting 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. But what if I told you that there’s a way you can shape up while sinking into the softness of your couch. Yes, it is possible to work up a small sweat on your couch. The best part: you can even do these while watching your favourite show.

No gym pass required!


Workout You Can Do Using Your Couch

Tricep Dips

You can start with tricep dips..err, I mean couch dips.

How it’s done: Sit down on the floor/carpet with your back to the couch. Place your hands with the thumbs pointing inwards and get the elbows in line with your shoulders. Lift your body up and sit back down slowly. Do up to three sets of 15 reps. Keep your backside close and parallel to the couch during the entire movement and don’t let your hips move away.

Targets triceps, the shoulders, and the arms; strengthens your upper body

Single Leg Lunge

Who says doing a lunge is difficult?

How it’s done: Stand in front of the couch. Place one leg on the floor and the other on the couch. Bend the knee of the supporting leg in a deep lunge and rise back up. Repeat on the other side. Do up to three sets of 15 reps in each set. 

Targets calves, quads, hamstrings, and back muscles; lunges really tone up your calves

Forearm To Full Plank

You already know how to do a traditional plank, bring in a little variation in your plank workout with this exercise

How it’s done: Start in the forearm plank position. Move and straighten one arm at a time to lift yourself into the full plank. Try these slowly first to master the transition. Pick up the pace according to your comfort level. Try to repeat for 30 seconds for one set, performing three sets. Build until you can perform the plank for one minute or longer, as long as you can safely hold proper form.

Targets your glutes, hamstrings, arms, and shoulders at the same time; tones your back

So ladies, save these workouts and prepare yourself for that TV binge too!


Best Cardio Workout in Hindi

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