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5 People Reveal Secrets To A Great Sex Life… After Marriage!

5 People Reveal Secrets To A Great Sex Life… After Marriage!

It often happens that after years of getting married, sex isn’t as exciting as it was before the time you weren’t married. We are sure a lot of couples would agree that the initial excitement seems to fade away after a while and even candles, hot baths and music doesn’t seem to rekindle that passion at times. We found 5 people on Reddit who revealed the secrets to a great sex life after years of a relationship and believe us, the revelations are a must read!

1. ‘If you go on for 20 years together in life, you’re supposed to be able to talk about anything and work it out.’ – Yes, communication is the key!

Imnotlegolas answers on Reddit:  I think it’s even more appropriate to connect, to talk. I figure if you go on for 20 years together in life, you’re supposed to be able to talk about anything and work it out. The real dangers are getting stuck and staying where you are simply because ‘you don’t know any better’, and are afraid of what else is out there.

1 keeping sex great after marriage

2. ‘The most positive sexual attitude for me would be something like for both partners to mutually ‘give in’ or compromise to each other’s needs.’ – Yeah, this is important!

Syncblock answers on Reddit: The most positive sexual attitude for me would be something like for both partners to mutually ‘give in’ or compromise to each other’s needs from trying new things to having sex even though you’re tired. I don’t think that sex is something that you should force or expect from your partner but it should be a natural product of the relationship.


3. ‘You shouldn’t use sex as a bargaining chip’ – Of course, sex is not for bargain!

Codayus answers on Reddit: Apparently, you shouldn’t use sex as a bargaining chip, you need good time management, and you should re-evaluate your relationship periodically.

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4. ‘It doesn’t matter what you both like or what you are like, as long as both people are willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.’- Good advice!

Apostolate_waitress answers on Reddit: The single best advice I’ve ever gotten: it doesn’t matter what you both like or what you are like, as long as both people are willing to do whatever it takes to make it work. That is the true key to a successful relationship. Without that, what do you even have?

5. ‘When you keep score against one another’ – This, you shouldn’t do, ever!

Itaintme answers on Reddit: One thing that I might add is this: a lot of people seem to “keep score” in their marriage. They do the “well, I did something nice for her, now it’s her turn to do something nice for me” kind of thing. But the thing about marriage is that when you say “I do” you are suddenly both on the same team, not opposing ones. So when you keep score against one another, you’re causing division inside the team.


5 keeping sex great after marriage

You can read the full thread here on Reddit.

You can thank us later.

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

19 Jun 2017

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