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You’ll Relate To These Memes If You Don’t Give A Rat’s Ass About Game Of Thrones

You’ll Relate To These Memes If You Don’t Give A Rat’s Ass About Game Of Thrones

I woke up to my Instagram flooded with Game of Thrones spoilers this morning. I conveniently scrolled past them not because I didn’t want someone to spoil my experience before I watch the first episode of the final season, but because I didn’t get the reference. Yes, I have never watched a single episode of the GoT and I’m not planning to change that anytime soon, much to the dismay of my friends and colleagues. And while you’re surprised reading this right now, let me assure you there are many of my kind. 

If you vibe with my tribe of people who don’t care to know about Jon Snow or Sansa Stark, then here are some memes you’ll relate to. Read on!

1. Can’t take the pressure anymore

GoT Meme 1 

Source: Twitter


2. Anyone for CID Episode 1512?

GoT Meme 2

Source: Facebook

3. Don’t tell me there are no other things to talk about

GoT Meme 3

Source: Twitter


4. Good decision!

GoT Meme 4

Source: Twitter

5. But I am still here

GoT Meme 5

Source: Twitter


6. I will STILL not watch it

GoT Meme 6

Source: Deviant Art

7. Found my soul mate

GoT Meme 7

Source: Facebook


8. Shrek lovers, raise your hand?

GoT Meme 8

Source: Facebook

Aren’t these relatable AF?

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15 Apr 2019

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