Meet Deepika Singh Rajawat, the Kashmiri lawyer who fought for Asifa when no one else would. She approached the family in February 2018 and volunteered to fight for justice in the Kathua rape case. And while she has received backlash for her decisions, including the cancellation of her bar membership, Deepika has remained resilient in her cause. The lawyer is the chairperson of her NGO called Voice For Rights, which works on cases pertaining to human rights. She also works closely with Child Rights and You (CRY) in Delhi.
As if we needed another reason to applaud this woman, an image has been making the rounds on the internet which proves that she is a force to be reckoned with.
Does she just look badass? And for once, there are no men lecherously staring at her. This is what a respected woman looks like, but sadly this isn’t how most of us are seen.
While we fight for justice, here is another petition to start – stop looking at women like they are meat. Every human being deserves respect, regardless of their gender and what they are wearing.
How often do we see a photograph like this? A confident, professional woman flanked by men who are not lecheroulsy staring at her.
— Ashwaq Masoodi (@ashwaqM) April 17, 2018
Glad to see Twitter applaud her effort!
Images: Times of India
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