I can say this with confidence, Virat Kohli’s latest Instagram post with his gorgeous wife Anushka Sharma is going to make your day. While the picture is super cute, it is the caption that seals the deal. It will put a huge smile on your face and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from gushing over the couple once again. So without further delay, scroll below and check it out now!
Two months after we witnessed the fabulous #Virushka wedding, we still can’t get enough of the stunning couple. We really wish their honeymoon phase never ends, not just for their sake but also for ours — they are a lovely reminder to us how love should be.
We love how Virat indulges in so much public display of affection for his dear wife on social media. He is totally re-defining #HusbandGoals. (Sorry boys, you now have to add another trait to please us and for that, you only have Virat Kohli to blame).
On the work front, Anushka Sharma is busy promoting her movie Pari and Virat Kohli is busy scoring centuries and celebrating India’s win against South Africa in Test, ODI and T20 formats.