If there’s any Bollywood wedding our generation is going to remember for a long, long time, it is Virushka’s. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma tied the knot in a private ceremony, which is a nearly impossible thing to pull off for celebrities like them. We all saw Virat and Anushka’s wedding coming given their long-term relationship but we didn’t see them sneaking away to Tuscany to get married. In the presence of their family and friends, the couple had a wedding of their dreams (and ours as well).
We all saw pictures of them at the airport around December 10–Anushka spotted with bags of luggage and her family; Virat with his. They even took the flights at different timings, leaving no room for media buzz or speculation. Little did we know that less than 24 hours later, we’ll learn about their wedding (and not a family vacation) through their Instagram posts! That’s the wedding that broke the Internet and won our hearts, simply for being so low-key yet dreamy. Such is #Virushka!
In a recent Instagram live on football captain Sunil Chhetri‘s program called #ElevenOnTen, Virat Kohli spilled a few secrets about their 2017 wedding that we have been dying to know!
One of the questions that Sunil asked Virat was to confirm if the rumours that Virat and Anushka used “fake names and emails in the build-up to organising (their) marriage” were true. “Bilkul sachh hai,” quickly confirmed Virat, but he added that this wasn’t his idea at all. In fact, their whole wedding was planned by Anushka. “Agar mere control mein hota, you know to organise things, pakka bhaanda phoot jata…teen din ke andar,” added Virat, leaving Sunil in splits. Furthermore, Virat revealed that everyone was briefed to keep it discreet and it was all because of Anushka’s hard work, planning and coordination that the wedding was pulled off so outstandingly.
In the episode, Sunil also revealed that Virat, despite being a romantic, never proposed to Anushka for marriage. Anushka herself gave this information to Sunil ahead of the Instagram live. To this, Virat answered:
“Mera manna aisa hai ki jab aap life khul ke jee rahe ho aur pyaar karke jee rahe ho toh koi special… na toh Valentine’s Day hota hai, na kuchh hota hai. Every day can be the same as a Valentine’s Day and can be special. And as she (Anushka) said it is absolutely true. We never felt like we needed to do that (propose), we knew that we were gonna marry each other, there was no doubt ever. So once we knew that everything is going forward, we were just so happy and so excited to start our life together and start living together. And that’s how organically things went on.“
Sunil further revealed that this is exactly the way Anushka wanted things to go between them too. Aren’t they just made for each other?
Recently, on Anushka’s 32nd birthday on May 1, Virat posted a lovely candid picture of them cutting her birthday cake while quarantining at home. He wrote, “You my love bring light into this world. And you light up my world everyday. I love you ❤️” Anushka looked beautiful in a white broderie anglaise maxi dress for her birthday while Virat wore fawn chinos with a black tee. Check out the post below.
Gotta say – East or West, #Virushka is the best!
Featured Image: Instagram