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16 People Share Their Unpopular Opinions On Modern Dating & Most Of Them Are Facts We Often Overlook

16 People Share Their Unpopular Opinions On Modern Dating & Most Of Them Are Facts We Often Overlook

It’s not like navigating relationships was never not complex. But, with the incoming of social media and the over-romanticisation of romance as a concept, there are expectations that remain unsaid, and healthy communication is only theoretical. We’re labelling relationships as GOALS online and chasing the same for ourselves without wanting to dive beneath the surface, behind the picture, into reality.

Unpopular Opinions On Modern Dating relationships

An X user, by the handle @datchughuy, enquired of controversial opinions on dating, and people scripted their unfiltered thoughts, which often remain overlooked in today’s relationships. Take a look at some of them:

Dating with a purpose becomes important even if you’re seeking an equation with no strings attached. Letting the other person know your expectations isn’t as hard as one might think.

19 Oct 2023

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