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4 AMAZING Beauty Tricks To Try With A… Toothbrush!!

4 AMAZING Beauty Tricks To Try With A… Toothbrush!!

Who said a toothbrush can be used only for brushing your teeth? That toothbrush can help you do so much more! There are a few other uses of a toothbrush you weren’t aware of! These little but super useful hacks will help you save time and obviously, money!

What you will need:

  1. Toothbrush
  2. Hairspray
  3. Lip balm

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1. Frizzy Hair Trouble?

To get rid of that irritating frizziness, all you have to do is spray your toothbrush with a hairspray and comb your hair. Voila! No more frizzy hair.

Also watch: When Life Gives You Lemons… Use Them To Up Your Beauty Game!

2. Looking For A New Hairstyle?

If you’re tired of your boring flat hair, you can try backcombing with a toothbrush. Grab a section of your hair and tease them with a toothbrush. Well, no more boring flat hair!

3. Tame Your Eyebrows

You can relax now as it’s super easy to tame your eyebrows with a toothbrush. Just rub your toothbrush on a lip balm and brush your eyebrows to define them.


Also watch: 4 Magic Beauty Hacks With… Aloe Vera!

4. No More Chapped Lips!

Chapped lips can be painful and annoying. To get baby soft lips, just rub the bristles on a lip balm and exfoliate your lips. Goodbye chapped lips!

22 Jul 2016

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