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10 Fun Things You Should Do With Your Bestie… More Often!

10 Fun Things You Should Do With Your Bestie… More Often!

Our best friends hold a special place in our hearts and no amount of distance can ever change that! But with time and adulting, sometimes life gets in the way. Nevertheless, that shouldn’t be an excuse for you to not make it up to your bestie. Here are a few things you should do with your best friend way more often. We’re sure some of these will make you nostalgic and the others will take you by surprise!

1. Breakfast dates!

Dinner dates and drunken nights are always fun, but you’d want a friend with whom you can head out and have a breakfast picnic! You should definitely spend some quality time with your bestie and just eat, gossip and catch up on everything you’ve not spoken about.

If you can’t step out for a breakfast date, order in some pizza and meet her at her place!

1 do with your best friend - girl besties


2. Counsel each other

Growing up is hard, breakups are worse and the stress is just too much to cope all by oneself sometimes. We all have ups and downs and having your bestie’s back to help you get out of your low is only the best thing ever. Make your friendship count and do give your bestie that little extra attention she craves for! Pamper her by sending her chocolates, gifts, and flowers… basically, anything to help her feel better about herself again.

3. Take a weekend trip

There’s nothing quite like traveling with your best friend. You both know each other’s likes and dislikes, it’s great for your relationship and in fact, makes your bond grow stronger! Save up and cut down on those Saturday night outs and take that trip you’ve both been dreaming of all your life.

Gift your bestie this MakeMyTrip voucher and tell her to take you away.

3  do with your best friend - girls laughing


4. Take a hobby class!

Just like old times! Meet your bestie and take her for a hobby class. It could be anything… from a dance class, a painting lesson to an experiential walk of the city. A great friends day out that you both won’t forget!

5. Go for a spa session

If you haven’t done this yet, you need to check it off your list right away. Taking massages, especially when you’re travelling is something totally worth doing with your BFF! It’s so relaxing to cut off from the outside world and your mobiles and gadgets to spend quality time with each other.

Book a spa date online right away!

5  do with your best friend - girls going to parlour together


6. Try an adventure sport together!

No one knows your fears better than your best friend. And sometimes, it’s good to challenge them and try a sport that you both will remember for life. Be it deep sea diving, bungee jumping or paragliding. Try an adventure sport together, scream till your lungs hurt and click loads of pictures along the way!

7. Do a photo shoot!

You don’t need to be a fashion blogger for this one, but some days, it just feels good to put on some make-up, slip into your sexiest dress and pose away like no one’s watching. You’re creating moments for both of you to cherish forever and of course… they’re all captured!

Try doing a shoot on this fun camera (Rs 4,644) that will give you instant prints too. Yay!

7  do with your best friend - girls taking selfie


8. Watch re-runs of your favourite shows

With life taking a toll on us, we often forget what it’s like to stay indoors and watch copious amounts of television! And is there anything better than watching reruns of Sex And The City with your bestie? Add a bottle of Coke and a pizza with it to make it a perfect girls night in! All you need to do is get that subscription and start binge watching.

9. Shopping together!

Be it online or offline, shopping with your bestie is always fun. She’d pick out stuff for you, you’ll pick out stuff for her and you both can go crazy in the trial room.

If you have an occasion coming up, gift her this shopping voucher (Rs 3000) and tag along when she wants to go shopping. You don’t need an excuse, do you?

9  do with your best friend - shopping


10. Check out the cute guys…or girls!

We’ve all done this as teenagers and there’s no reason you should stop now! Checking out random (read: hot) men and women is something you can only enjoy with your bestie. So, the next time you are going out together, do what you did when you were young…  grade them outa 10!

GIFs: Giphy

12 Sep 2017

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