And she is BACK! Bollywood’s favourite fashionista Sonam Kapoor Ahuja has been MIA for a while now but last night, she made a comeback at an award function looking stunning. The 33-year-old actress stepped out in a fluorescent green and soft pink (what a sharp contrast!) gown turning the red carpet green – with glamour and with envy. Looks like Holi came a bit too soon and not in the hard-hitting water balloon kind but the awesome Raanjhanaa wali Holi kind.
Sonam Kapoor:
Source: Instagram
Us: Totally Kundan-ing all over this Zoya
Source: Giphy
Sonam, styled by her star sister, Rhea Kapoor, wore Celia Kritharioti couture from their Spring Summer 2019 Collection. As showcased at the recently concluded Paris Fashion Week, their theme was “Cirque des Couleurs” (The circus of colours) and Sonam’s look was a circus, alright!
Image: Instagram
The outfit had a low-cut bodice with spaghetti straps that joined to a corset at the underbust. Flowing into a flared skirt from the waistline to the floor, this gown had us at hello.
Image: Instagram
She accessorised it with a pair of blue heart-shaped drop earrings by Zoya Jewels and a statement-making silver cuff by Mahesh Notandass. Fine jewellery at its finest, must say.
Image: Instagram
And her makeup, take a bow Arti Nayar for giving us unicorn makeup goals this spring season. The rainbow-like multicoloured hues are inspiring and so is the rest of the glass skin makeup. We are also loving how the sleek hair look was tied into a glossy ballerina bun.
Source: Instagram
The hashtag #HoliSmoke has gone viral on social media and we have one half of the #EverydayPhenomenal couple to blame for it.
Image: Instagram
Sonam posted this picture on her Instagram with her cousin Janhvi Kapoor and wrote, “With my date last night…”. Not that the gown or the gorgeous ladies needed any flash, both of them flaunted their Kapoor-ness like such glamazons. Janhvi wore a white high-slit gown with silver powder and Swarovski from Maë Collection Paris couture as showcased at the Paris Fashion Week.
But Sonam’s look has our attention and our heart!
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