Bollywood celebrated Diwali with glamorous parties and lots of love. Meanwhile, the Kapoor Khandaan was giving London a masterclass in family vacay-time. Going by their pictures on social media, Anil Kapoor, his wife Sunita, along with their children Sonam and Rhea, and son-in-law Anand Ahuja have taken over the city. The family shared some intimate moments from their dinners together as well as some of their more candid moments around the city.
Anil shared an extremely cute picture with Sunita, where the two were spotted sporting matching black hoodies. Anil has captioned the post, “The camera-shy wife of mine Sunita Kapoor posing for Anand Ahuja’s brand. Both of us wearing black.”
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Anil and Sunita, along with Harshvardhan Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor, joined daughter Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and hubby Anand, who were already in London. Sonam shared photos of her taking a stroll in the city. She credited the picture to her friend Natasha Poonawalla.
Image Source: Instagram
Image Source: Instagram
This festive season was extra special for Sonam and Anand, who celebrated their first Diwali as a married couple. The two shared a picture of them performing a pooja on Diwali day.
Image Source: Instagram
The Kapoors also celebrated Harshvardhan’s birthday last night as the Bhavesh Joshi Superhero actor turned 28 years old. “Happy birthday to the stubborn, patient minefield of talent in our family. Harshvardhan Kapoor, I hope you get your happiness always and just the way you want it,” Rhea wrote on her post.
Sonam also wished her brother on his birthday. The actress posted a sweet picture with Harshvardhan and Anand along with a heartfelt message saying, “Happy happy birthday my baby brother. You have no idea how much you’re loved and adored.. keep working hard and keep striving forward and the world will see what a special person you are!”
Image source: Instagram
Karan Boolani, Rhea’s rumoured boyfriend, was also spotted with the family. He gave us a sneak-peek of travelling with the Kapoors.
Image source: Instagram
The family was also seen heading out for dinners and parties with friends in the city.
Image source: Instagram
Image Source: Instagram
Post their holiday, Sonam, Anil and Harshvardhan are expected to resume work on their respective projects. Sonam has The Zoya Factor and Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga lined up – the latter also features her father Anil. The Nayak actor will be seen next in Total Dhamaal and Karan Johar’s Takht. Anil will also play Harshvardhan’s onscreen father in the biopic on Abhinav Bindra, slated to release next year.
Featured Image: Instagram
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