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Snooze In Style: The Ultimate Guide To Help You Pick Between Silk & Satin Pillowcases

Snooze In Style: The Ultimate Guide To Help You Pick Between Silk & Satin Pillowcases

Real talk: your bedding can affect your appearance. Yes, we’re referring to your pillowcase and the fabric it’s made out of. Nothing against cosy cotton and linens, but for gorgeous skin and hair, silk takes top marks. Ultra-soft and slinky – a silk pillowcase is a bedtime treat and the closest thing most of us will get to sleeping on a cloud. From extending the life of your hairstyle by an extra day to improving hair and skin health – it can be the most effortless part of your beauty regimen.

But, because it’s pricey and super delicate, a majority of beauty savants are investing in its budget-friendly counterpart aka satin that rivals the abilities of this luxurious fabric. This got us thinking about which one works the best for our skin and hair. So, today we’re going to dive deep into the realms of fabrics that work best for your hair (and skin, for that matter). Keep scrolling to know the deets!

Silk Vs Satin: What’s The Difference?


While silk is a natural protein fibre produced by a few dozen types of insects around the world. It’s a luxurious, decadent fabric that’s beneficial to the hair because its breathable fabric allows circulation and prevents moisture from night sweats from getting trapped at the shaft of the hair. Speaking of satin, you know how a dress is not a gown but all gowns are dresses. Likewise, satin was traditionally made of silk but in the present day, it’s usual to find blended satin mixtures that include synthetic fibres like polyester, cotton, and rayon. The uniquely blended fabrics are sometimes much more flexible than real silk and help in reducing friction which is beneficial for hair and skin.

For Hair:

Silk helps in minimizing the frictions between hair fibres and that of cotton fabric. The silky smooth texture of the fabric helps in retaining the moisture and natural shine of the strands. Thereby, extending the life of a fresh blowout and styled hair. Satin works in the same way as that of silk. It’s a breathable fabric that helps in reducing the friction between hair and the fabric. It makes sure your hair doesn’t tousle out of place and prevents frizziness. Add a satin pillowcase to your repertoire to never wake up with a bedhead.


For Skin:

Silk is less absorbent and hypoallergenic, which is why it prevents the trapping of oil or bacteria on the pillowcase. Hence, it’s beneficial for healthy-looking skin and complexion. Silk pillowcases have proven to pull off to stretch the skin less than cotton or linen. That said, satin is also hypoallergenic and less absorbent just like silk, so it doesn’t soak up oils, products, or pore-clogging bacteria which might coat your skin and inspire a breakout. It also helps in preventing signs of ageing by reducing friction.

Here’s The Final Verdict


Keep In Mind Your Hair Texture

Both are excellent choices for keeping your tresses in pristine condition. However, silk is better for all hair textures. It especially adds an extra layer of protection for folks with textured and curly hair.

In Terms Of Washability

Satin pillowcases are easier to clean and can be thrown into the washing machine but you’ve to be very cautious while washing a silk pillowcase since it’s very delicate.

In Terms Of Cost

Honestly, both fabrics are great – it just depends on how much you want to spend as the price points are slightly higher when it comes to silk. Satin typically costs a third to half the price of silk.


Start using satin or silk pillowcases cause these are game-changers.

Featured Image: Pexels

12 Aug 2021

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