This is the season of joy, love, and celebrations and actress Shireen Mirza just added on to our festive feels. The Yeh Hai Mohabbatein star recently tied the knot with businessman Hasan Sartaj and BTS pictures and video from their wedding have all our attention at the moment. The couple got married in a vibrant ceremony with a lot of popular telly world faces in attendance and here’s a sneak peek from their regal, Jaipur wedding:
The Lovestruck Bride & Groom
A quick glance at Shireen and Hasan’s wedding pictures and it is the couple’s lovestruck faces that are sure to make your Monday morning. In each one of their shaadi pics and videos, the bride and groom look like they are having the best day of their lives and we wish this kind of happiness for everyone. *Touchwood*
For the wedding festivities, the couple can be seen dressed in complementing outfits with Shireen donning an opulent red lehenga and Hasan wearing a white sherwani with red accents. Here, check out some more pictures of the bride and groom:
A Star Studded Affair
Shireen’s Yeh Hai Mohabbatein co-stars Divyanka Tripathi, Aly Goni, and Krishna Mukherjee were an integral part of her wedding celebrations and could be seen having a gala time as they participated in all the rituals and ceremonies. In fact, Divyanka was one of the bridesmaids and took to Instagram to post pics and videos from the spinster party.
Here are some more pictures of Shireen’s co-stars bringing the house down at her wedding:
Well, didn’t that help you with some extra festive feels? Here’s wishing Shireen and Hasan a lifetime of joy and happiness.
Featured Image: Instagram