The glam vamp of the television industry, Kamya Panjabi, recently tied the knot with her beau Shalabh Dang and thanks to Instagram, we got glimpses of all the fun the couple had during the festivities. From a bachelorette party with her girl gang to a colourful haldi ceremony, a beautiful wedding and a star-studded reception, Kamya’s big fat shaadi was nothing less than a dream.
While we’ve already seen the pictures of her reception night, the new bride shared a video of the fun-filled party today. Kamya and Shalabh can be seen dancing their hearts out and bonding with their children – Aara and Ishan. Watch it here:
Clad in a beautiful embellished dark green lehenga, Kamya looked happy and in full spirit in the video. She also shared a lovely picture of the two stealing a kiss!
So adorable!
This is the second marriage for both Kamya and Shalabh. They met each other in February last year and sparks flew instantly. The couple got engaged in a gurudwara on February 8 this year, followed by a haldi ceremony the next day. Kamya and Shalabh tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony on February 10.
ICYMI, here’s a glimpse of their wedding:
Wishing this couple a lifetime of happiness and love.
Featured Image: Instagram