Shah Rukh Khan is celebrates every festival with equal zeal. Be it Eid or Christmas, the actor is always up for festivities. On the occasion of Diwali, Shah Rukh Khan tweeted an adorable monochrome picture of himself, Gauri and AbRam. The post read “#HappyDiwali to everyone. May your lives be lit up and happy.” All of them were wearing tilak in the picture and immediately, the star received backlash from haters.
#HappyDiwali to everyone. May your lives be lit up and happy.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 27, 2019
The post was met with hateful comments and he was even called out for being a ‘Fake Muslim’. While SRK maintained his silence and didn’t respond to being trolled, Shabana Azmi came to his defense.
While Azmi has taken on trolls earlier too, she was quite irked by all the comments on Shah Rukh’s post and she tweeted, “Appalled to read that @iamsrk Diwali greeting invites wrath of rabid Islamists, gets called a “False Muslim” for sporting a tilak!”FUNDOS get a life! Islam is not so weak that it stands threatened by what is a beautiful Indian custom.Indias beauty is in her GangaJamuni tehzeeb”
Appalled to read that @iamsrk Diwali greeting invites wrath of rabid Islamists, gets called a “False Muslim” for sporting a tilak!”FUNDOS get a life! Islam is not so weak that it stands threatened by what is a beautiful Indian custom.Indias beauty is in her GangaJamuni tehzeeb
— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) October 28, 2019
And we must say that we agree, we are not defined by our religion. Humanity is one race, colour and religion aside. And no religion says that we shouldn’t respect the customs and traditions of another. So why the immense backlash on a simple Diwali wish? This isn’t the first time SRK has received such hate though. That is probably why he chose to keep quiet this time and not respond to trolls. In the past, SRK tweeted a picture of his son celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi, and it was called a sin and he was condemned for his actions.
So much uproar over my 1 remark?Didnt realise I was so important in d eyes of d right wing 😜Muslim fundos also passed fatwa against me 4shaving my head for @IamDeepaMehta film ‘Water’2which @Javedakhtarjadu response on record was SHUT UP.All fundos r mirror images of each other
— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) July 9, 2019
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan’s next project is yet to be announced, but the actor was recently seen on David Letterman’s talk show on Netflix.
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