Nia Sharma, the actress who rose to fame with the TV soap Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai has created quite a stir with her fashion choices. From wearing an all-pink candy floss outfit in Jaipur to the time she dressed up as a human daisy at an award function. Nia Sharma has quite a flair for the outrageous, but maybe it’s time she draws the line. Because not every outfit seems to be working in her favour. In her recent Instagram post, Nia shared a picture of her in sequin, fur, frill dress. Yes, all three in one!
Source: Instagram
But Nia isn’t the first to try and mimic a disco ball. A similar outfit, sans the frill, was seen Janhvi Kapoor on the cover of a fashion magazine. Not just that, Janhvi Kapoor’s dress by Purple Paisley was called out by Diet Sabya for being a Balmain rip off. We find ourselves wondering if Nia’s outfit is from Purple Paisley as well? Or is she wearing the original? Either way, if she had opted for toned down makeup and tied her beautiful tresses in a flattering twist, it would have salvaged the sequin dress.
However, it looks like we cannot write off Nia just yet. Because there have been times this actress carried bling with elegance and grace.
1. Loving The Earrings!
Source: Instagram
2. Some Valentine’s Day Lovin’
Source: Instagram
3. Killing That Red Lip
Source: Instagram
With great bling comes great responsibility!
Featured Image: Instagram
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