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#MyStory: I Joined A Couple For A Threesome For The First Time & It Changed The Way I Look At Hookups

#MyStory: I Joined A Couple For A Threesome For The First Time & It Changed The Way I Look At Hookups

When I was a kid the term ‘unicorn’ simply meant a fantasy horse with a horn on its head. In my mid-20s, I realised it has a whole new meaning in kinkville. After getting out of a long monogamous relationship, I was in self-discovery mode and for me, the sky was the limit for experimentation.

After a string of casual hookups—some good, some bad and some truly spectacular, I was bored. Just then, outta the blue, I matched with a gorgeous woman on a dating app and we hit it off. While I hadn’t exclusively dated women, I always knew that I was bisexual. So, without wasting any time, I asked her out for a date but just then she dropped the ‘R-bomb’. She informed me that she has a boyfriend and she was hoping I’ll consider joining them in the boudoir.

It took me by surprise but I decided to give it a shot simply because I really liked the woman in question. Before moving things to the bedroom, we three met for drinks and talked about our boundaries, soft limits and safe words. The two were completely in sync about their preference and made me feel comfortable about my role in lovemaking. After quick research on threesome rules and some handy porn videos, I was on board with the idea of being a unicorn.


NGL, I was a bit worried about how things would go once the three of us got together, but having an open dialogue was all I needed. Every single detail was talked about, including a discussion about sex toys. Even though it was awkward at first, I honestly think when it comes to casual hookups, everyone should have a conversation about boundaries.


Finally, we decided to meet at their place and everything went perfectly. It was a truly unique experience and I can honestly say I had the best time. The two not only included me in their lovemaking but also made me feel extra special. The couple in question had a strict ‘no kissing on the lips’ policy and I made sure I did not push their hard limits.


After the deed was done, I stayed there for a few hours and we had a great day watching movies together and chilling. Later, they called a cab for me and I headed home.

While I decided to not hook up with them again, I can honestly say that one night helped me to explore my sexuality further. TBH, I don’t think I would like to go down that road again, but it was an experience that I’ll always remember!


Feature Image Credit: Instagram

20 Jun 2022

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