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Does Masturbating Kill Your Sex Drive?

Does Masturbating Kill Your Sex Drive?

For the longest time ever, most people have been made to believe that masturbation is a bad thing. We’ve been told that not only is it shameful but it will also reduce your sex drive! But seriously, all those who do masturbate, raise your hand if masturbating is as fun and relaxing for you as it is for me. But let’s answer this age-old question and bust this myth once and for all – does masturbating really kill your sex drive?

Should I Masturbate?

Yes, ALWAYS! Masturbating is a form of self-love. Yes, I just said that! Do you know that masturbating releases endorphins dopamine and oxytocin which will help you relax and generally feel better? Not only that, flicking your bean will help you be more comfortable and familiar with your body.

Masturbating regularly will also, almost definitely, improve your sex life. You will know what works for you and what doesn’t and you’ll be able to communicate with your partner much better. Another well-kept secret you might not have known – masturbating relieves menstrual cramps. So buffin’ the muffin definitely has its benefits!  

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If you need a little help getting off, here is a vibrator to make things easier. Buy it here for Rs 9000.

What If Your Partner Masturbates A Lot?

Unless your partner is masturbating too much, bordering on an obsession, you’re good to go. Masturbating habits that are unnatural may affect his sex drive with a partner because erection is a conditioned response and conditioning it to something like porn may hinder getting it with a partner.

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But occasional masturbating might just be good for both him and you. You don’t want him to go off within a couple of minutes of making out because of all that pent-up sexual frustration. A healthy amount of jerking off will eventually help him as well!


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Need some lighting to set your mood? Here’s a lamp perfect for that. Buy it here for Rs 599.

So Does It Kill Your Sex Drive?

It’s all good in the hood, literally! Masturbation is not only healthy, it can also lend a helping hand to your sex drive. The only thing that does affect your sex life is if there is a hormonal imbalance and in that case, you need to consult a doctor because it is something to worry about! Otherwise, no amount of touching yourself is going to reduce your desire for your partner!

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Lube is all you need if you’re a little dry down there. Buy it here for Rs 304.

Happy playing your piano!

GIFs: Giphy

31 Oct 2017

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