Keith Sequeira and Rochelle Rao, ex-contestants of the reality show Bigg Boss Season 9, surprised everyone when they got married in a beautiful but private ceremony in Mahabalipuram on 3 March, 2018. The couple posted pictures of their beautiful beach wedding on their social media accounts as an announcement of their marriage, and honestly, the white wedding took our breath away.
And it seems to us like both Keith and Rochelle are beach bums because even for their honeymoon, they picked a beautiful beach location – Indonesia. And hey, it wasn’t just a beach, but an isolated island known as Gili Meno, to enjoy their first days as newlyweds. How romantic! If only all of us could be whisked away with the love of our lives, far from the maddening rush and into a world of our own. Sounds super cheesy, but just imagine!!!
The couple had a great time on their beach honeymoon and are now back. Talking to a leading entertainment portal, they had a lot of cutesy details to share about their romantic escapade (it literally was an escapade!). Here is what Rochelle had to say:
“We wanted to cut off from the outside world the moment we boarded the flight. So, we switched off our phones and electronic devices, setting our hearts and minds on the sand and the sea. Our choice was a quaint and isolated island off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia. We stayed at a beautiful boutique villa, situated on a pristine beach. We chose homestay to experience an authentic local culture.”
That is exactly what we believe an ideal honeymoon should be like. Just two people in love, enjoying some amazing time together! Awww.
In the same report, Keith also shared some details about the what they got up to on their honeymoon:
“I usually prefer relaxing by the beach but decided to follow my wife’s adventurous ways this time around. She convinced me to go paragliding, scuba diving and snorkelling. This is definitely one of the best trips we’ve had together and it’s even more special as it was our honeymoon.”
See Keith, your wife will mostly always be right! When you follow her footsteps, she usuall makes you experience something great!
We are really glad that Keith and Rochelle made some beautiful memories on their honeymoon! We wish they always remain happy and blessed as a couple!
POPxo is getting a makeover and we could not be more excited – a brand new look, fun features and a big surprise!! Check us out on April 2. 🙂