Bollywood brought in the weekend at director Homi Adajania and Anaita Shroff Adajania’s party for their sons. While we’re always up for a good time, we were happy to spot three great looks at this star-studded party.
1. Kareena Kapoor Goes Soft With Pastels
Kareena Kapoor arrived in a minty green Anarkali by Simar Duggal with earrings from Khurana Jewellery house. While the outfit was a fresh of breath air, what we loved about Bebo’s look was her fresh make-up. A soft smokey eye with pink lipstick kept the overall vibe really airy and light.
This side-profile photo is a testament to just how much difference contouring can make. I’m using a bronzer the next time I’m heading to a party!
2. Diana Penty
It’s all about keeping it subtle for Diana Penty. She wore a beautiful saree by designer Shehlaa Khan with Mahesh Notandass earrings. While her middle-parted sleek bun was a miss for me, what I absolutely loved was how Diana matched her dark smokey eyes with the border of the saree.
Since Diana usually goes big on her eyes, including bold brows, a barely-there lip tint looked great.
3. Twinkle Khanna
There are days when you don’t feel like dressing up. Dressed in a plain white top and black trousers, Twinkle Khanna looked fab at Adajania’s party. While her caramel coloured hair pinned up on one side was a good touch, what stole the show was her berry lips. That’s the thing about red!
Which of these did you like the most?