Kareena Kapoor is one of the few Bollywood celebs who has been open about her pregnancies and the changes that come with them. In the past, the actress has been quite vocal about her pregnancy struggles, the importance of breastfeeding and the challenges of being a working mother. And now, during a recent interview, the Jab We Met actress spilled the beans on noticing a change in herself after becoming a mom.
While talking to a leading daily, the actress said, “I was a very naughty kid myself and I troubled my mom a lot. I always wanted to go out with friends, and I often bunked school to go watch movies—and the school authorities would call up my mother and complain. But now, after becoming a mother myself, I stick to my regimen.” She further added that she has become extremely disciplined, and likes to end the day by 9.30 PM.
That’s not all, Kareena also opened up about her routine. She said, “My entire day revolves around the kids, at least on days that I am not working. I am focused on what they are doing, setting up Taimur’s classes, dividing my time between both of them, and figuring out my own nap times according to when my younger one falls asleep.” She further reaffirmed that a woman’s life changes after becoming a mother and being a working mom is far from easy. “A piece of advice that I’d like to share with multitasking mothers is that it is absolutely normal to feel burned out, and it is crucial to take a break once in a while to find your peace and calm amongst all the hustle,” she shared. That sounds like a great piece of advice!
Well, trust Kareena to inspire women all across the world! More power to you!
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