Janhvi Kapoor’s love life has been in the limelight lately. The gossip mills are buzzing with rumours of the actress’s reunion with ex-boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. From attending fashion shows to holidaying together in the Maldives, they have been spending a lot of time with each other. Just last night, the rumoured couple was spotted at an intimate family dinner and the fans can’t stop going gaga. Scroll down for all the deets:
Fam Jam
Last night, Rhea Kapoor hosted an intimate family dinner for her close circle. This is when the papz spotted Janhvi and Shikhar arriving in the same car and a video from their outing is currently doing rounds on the Internet.
How It (Re) Started!
Last month, Janhvi Kapoor took a vacation to the Maldives. Apart from her stunning beach snaps, the actress shared a dreamy picture of herself under the starry sky which was then reshared by her alleged beau Shikhar. This convinced the fans that the two have rekindled their romance.
When Karan Johar Spilled Beans On The ‘Koffee’ Couch!
In one of Koffee With Karan 7 episodes, Karan Johar cryptically confirmed that Janhvi and Shikhar share a past. He said, “I mean it was the past. You both dated two brothers. And the commonality between the three of us is that they both used to live in my building.” Janhvi couldn’t stop blushing throughout the conversation which made the fans believe that she might be dating Shikhar again.
Well, the couple has left little to the imagination with their recent outings. Here’s hoping that the second time proves to be a charm for these two!
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