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Intentional Celibacy: The 2023 Dating Trend You Need To Know About

Intentional Celibacy: The 2023 Dating Trend You Need To Know About

The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown drastically impacted people’s romantic lives. Consequently, when the situation eased down, people were thrilled to meet potential romantic partners in person and enjoy the intimacy that came with it. This, of course, fueled the hook-up culture. However, experts now predict that we are about to witness an entirely different dating culture. People do not want to have casual sex anymore and we hear “intentional celibacy” will be the biggest sex trend of 2023. Never heard of it before? Scroll down to find out more about this interesting trend in the cupid town:


What Is Intentional Celibacy?

Intentional celibacy means being picky about who we’re going to sleep with. It’s when people redirect their sexual energy towards self-love, respect, and autonomy. Basically, less sleeping around simply based on superficial reasons and more looking for partners that you truly connect with.

Why Are People Choosing Intentional Celibacy?

People are slowly moving towards intentional celibacy because they want to lead more mindful lives. They also want to start gaining a better understanding of the type of relationships they want to be in. Hence, they are consciously choosing to stay away from the hookup culture.


Another reason why people are choosing to become intentionally celibate is that they are now more aware of sexually transmitted diseases. Gen-Z and millennials are learning about the risks of having several sexual partners at the same time. So, they want to be selective about who they sleep with to be more careful with their physical health.


Experts also believe that people are tired of dealing with the side effects of hookup culture like ghosting and bread-crumbing. In a day and age when we are plagued by the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic and an impending recession, people obviously want less drama and more stability in their love life. This explains why people want to be more mindful when it comes to choosing a romantic partner in the coming months and years.

Tell us, what’s your take on intentional celibacy? Is it something you’d like to practice in 2023?

Featured Image: Instagram

06 Jan 2023

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