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Twitterati Say ‘I Can’t Wait To Walk Down The Aisle’ Of Their Fave Places & Honestly, Same

Twitterati Say ‘I Can’t Wait To Walk Down The Aisle’ Of Their Fave Places & Honestly, Same

I write this article as I count the number of days I’ve been in quarantine (which is 56 now, BTW), expecting yet another lockdown extension from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address at 8pm tonight, and an urge to go out for something besides groceries. If the new Internet trend is to be believed, that’s the case with literally everyone!

After spending almost two months in lockdown, I’m sure you must have made a mental list of places you’d like to go once all this is over. Whether they are new places from your bucket list or some of your favourite old spots, you can’t ditch the itch to go back to your normal life–which now has newfound respect from all of us. The trend ‘I can’t wait to walk down the aisle’ is exactly that! Contrary to the wedding connotation attached to it, these are shopping aisles, library aisles, etc. that people “can’t wait to walk down”. Isn’t that the dream?

Rolling in the aisles!

Here are some of the most relatable aisles we’d also like to walk, much like others on Twitter who are dreaming these dreams. Read on!

Boarding Flights AKA The Best Feeling Ever

The Makeup Aisle In All Its Glory

Could Use The Mani-Pedi Area Right About Now

Clothes Racks FTW!

Who Doesn’t Like Buffets?

The Most Therapeutic Aisles In The World

The Aisles Ruled Together With Friends

Where Fitness And I Become One

Find Me A More Intelligent Aisle!

The Aisle Of Dreams

It’s Not The Same Without This

Even Treadmills Got Nothing On This Aisle

This One Has A Separate Fan Base

Why Did I Ever Bunk School? Why!

‘Coz Headphones Aren’t The Same

Relatable much? Which aisle can’t you wait to walk?


Featured Image: Twitter

12 May 2020

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