Periods make us go cray cray, don’t they? Every month we go through five days of hell. They make us nauseous, horny and crazy. We overthink a lot during our periods too… and that overthinking leads to some extremely funny thoughts. We found some hilarious period thoughts on Whisper that’ll make you go – So true. Read them all, share them with your besties and have fun.
1. Arrgghh, pimples! Pimples EVERYWHERE.
2. That moment when you’re horny on your periods…
3. *Calls for love and cuddles and chocolates*
4. We hate periods but they do tell us we aren’t preggers so…
5. Yes…someone, anyone, please tell us?
6. State of mind – Gluttony
7. Every. F***ing. Time.
8. Cuz… Mood swings.
9. Boob pain and cramps and bloating and backache…
You can find more confessions like these on Whisper.
Well, we’ve all had these thoughts at least once…