If there is one fashion designer in India who always manages to create a stir with his new collections, it is Sabyasachi Mukherjee. As much as we love his latest drops, a genderfluid collection and his new accessories line, it is the timeless beauty looks that truly stole our hearts. In this day and age where every other girl dreams of being a Sabhyasachi bride, it is refreshing to see the designer going back to his roots (as always) and bring back Indian beauty trends. From the classic centre-parted bun to the brushed up brows, there are the looks we’re copying!
4 Beauty Looks To Steal From Sabyasachi Campaigns
Own your skin, flaws and all
Skin first, makeup second seems to be the thought behind all of Sabyasachi’s campaigns and we’re not complaining. I mean, texture is normal. Pigmentation is normal. Eyebags are normal. So, why the fuss? Makeup artist Deepa Verma in this shot has definitely prepped skin well. To get the look, look for an illuminating essence before you go in with a tinted moisturiser.
Brushed up brows
Love how good model Vishakha’s brows look in this shot. The easiest way to get the look? Use a brow soap! These have a stronger hold on hair (compared to just gel) and are super easy to use. All you need is a bar of soap, a disposable spoolie brush, and some setting spray. Just wet your brush and lightly drag it across the soap. Take your spoolie and brush your brows in from the roots to the tips. Continue this till you reach the tip and that’s it!
Gajra adorned hair
Being the bride and wearing a gajra adorned bun is now a staple, thanks to Sabyasachi who first brought back the practice of wearing red roses in the hair and now fresh white flowers. Go all our with multiple layers of flowers covering your entire bun or just a few rounds to add an understated touch! Keep bobby pins and hairspray handy for any last-minute slip-ups! Spritzing hairspray on the backside of clips help them get a better grip on hair.
Kohl-ladden eyes
Let’s be honest, we all gave up on kajal and kohl a while back in favour of black and coloured eyeliners but this new campaign makes a strong case for us to go all out. Tightline your eyes, line your lids and waterline and work your inner goddess!
Loved these trends? Which one are you most excited to try? Tell us in the comments!
Featured image: Instagram