It’s not very often that we come across men who openly express their emotions. However, this dulha broke the stereotype with his heartwarming speech dedicated to the love of his life. Captured by Silver Linings Productions, the clip is going viral and has received over 500k views in just two days!
Sarthak Khattar tied the knot with his high school sweetheart, Sanya Arora. To seal the deal, he wrote a short speech and teared up while reading it out. He also made a PowerPoint presentation to introduce Sanya to his family. Ughh! Where can I find a man like him?
The video is all hearts and you’ve got to watch it and share it ahead!
Looks like I wasn’t the only one wishing for a man like Sarthak in my life. Several girls in the comment section had the exact same feeling!

Well, I don’t know what’s in store for me, but I’m definitely manifesting this for myself and all my girls out there!
Featured Image: Instagram