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All Things Rose: Everything You Need To Know About Rose Water

All Things Rose: Everything You Need To Know About Rose Water

There’s something about the smell of roses that makes you feel fresh, energized and happy! That’s because the aroma of roses helps enhance your mood, get rid of anxiety and promotes emotional well-being. Did you know that rose water is so much more than an addition to your face packs? A bottle of good old rose water is a staple in every Indian household for good reason. It’s nature’s versatile magic potion that can be used all over your body! Don’t believe us? Keep reading!

Rose Water May Just Be The Answer To All Your Problems

Rose water has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe, hydrate and repair your skin and hair. It controls oil and sebum and lends a subtle luminosity to your skin. It helps heal any scars and blemishes and brightens your skin over time. There’s so much more to that bottle of rose water than just a face pack topper.

Here Are 5 Benefits Of Rose Water

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1. Rose water acts as a natural astringent. It can be used as a toner for all skin types. After washing your face, apply some on a cotton pad and wipe your face with it. It will help close your pores, reduce acne, blemishes, redness and brighten your skin over time.


2. It balances your pH levels, controls oil secretion and promotes skin regeneration.

3. It helps hydrate your skin and hair without making it oily.

4. It’s also known to have antibacterial properties that make it a great option for effectively healing mild cuts and scars.

5. Rose essential oil is known to have with anti-ageing properties.


Also Read Benefits And Uses Of Rose Water 

10 Ways To Use Rose Water In Your Daily Beauty Routine

1. As a toner

2. As a facial mist

3. As a makeup setting spray


4. As an astringent

5. As an addition to your favourite face packs

6. As an eye mask to soothe and de-puff tired eyes. Simply soak cotton balls in rose water and freeze it for 20 mins. Press this over your eyes and you’ll instantly feel refreshed.

7. As a body rinse. Mix equal parts rosewater and equal parts water in a bath mug, pour this all over your body on days when your skin needs a little extra TLC. Add some rose essential oil to the mix and your skin will be soft, hydrated and you’ll smell like roses all day!


8. As a mist to soothe dry, frizzy hair. Spritz some onto the lengths of your hair for instant hydration and shine.

9. As a hair rinse. Rose water can be used to treat mild infections of the scalp and hydrate dry, frizzy hair.

10. As a dewy makeup spray. Spritz some on your makeup sponge before applying foundation for a dewy finish.

5 Rose Water Mists That We’re Totally In Love With

1. Kama Ayurveda Pure Rose Water



This is a steam distilled rose water that comes in 2 sizes. Perfect for setting your makeup and hydrating your face on the go.

Price: ₹ 250 Buy it. Buy it here.

2. Forest Essentials Facial Tonic Mist Pure Rosewater


Another luxurious rose water made from steam distilled roses and rose oil, this one works well when used as a toner and a makeup setting spray!


Price: ₹ 1,125 Buy it. Buy it here.

3. RAS Luxury Oils Rose Nectar Face & Body Spritz


This is a luxurious rose face and body mist that’s got rose, geranium and lavender. It has a comforting fragrance and leaves your face with a subtle glow.

Price: ₹ 890 Buy it. Buy it here.


4. Dabur Gulabari Premium Rose Water


Tried, tested and loved by your grandmother, Dabur’s rosewater is so versatile. Add it to your face packs, use it as a makeup setting spray or a toner. It’s pretty affordable too so I’d definitely consider using it as a hair rinse!

Price: ₹ 70 Buy it. Buy it here.

5. Mario Badescu Facial Spray With Aloe Herbs And Rosewater



A favourite amongst makeup artists and a staple in every beauty junkies kit, this rosewater will give your skin a boost of hydration. Consider yourself warned, this one is addictive.

Price: ₹ 716 Buy it. Buy it here.

25 Apr 2018

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