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‘Ace’ing It & How! Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Being Asexual

‘Ace’ing It & How! Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Being Asexual

In a world ruled by phallic imagery and euphemisms, it is hard to escape the topics related to sex and sexuality. Right from a young age, we all are exposed to a hypersexualised pop culture where everything leads to sex or at least an attempt at sex. However, what about people who have no desire to get involved with anyone sexually? 

In the last couple of years, more and more people have started talking about the concept of asexuality and its variations. In the simplest of words, asexuality is an umbrella term used to describe people who exist within the asexual spectrum and do not experience sexual attraction or a desire to have sexual relationships. Yes, you read that right!

However, JSYK, not all asexual or ace people are alike when it comes to their experiences and preferences. Some aces like to be in platonic relationships, whilst others stay completely away from emotional attachments. It can be challenging to understand asexuality, so we have a few facts that will help you out.

There Is No Right Way To Be Asexual

In many ways, asexuality is a spectrum—some people experience no sexual impulse, others experience a little sexual desire, and some experience a lot of sexual attraction but no urge to act on it. Believe it or not, asexual people can move through life without experiencing sexual attraction. The important thing to remember is every ace’s journey and experiences are different and that’s totally okay!


Asexuality Is Not A Choice


Just like homosexuality, bisexuality or heterosexuality, asexuality is not a choice but a legitimate sexual orientation. Often folks confuse asexuality with celibacy or abstinence but that is far from the truth. Asexuality means there is no desire to have sex.

Asexuality Doesn’t Mean Aromantic

Let’s make another thing clear, wanting to have sex with someone is different from wanting a romantic relationship with them. In simple words, you can be in a romantic relationship without any sexual attraction toward them. Some asexuals have no problem forming romantic attachments with others, but some aces like to stay away from romance completely. To be in a relationship or not is a personal choice, and it is valid either way.

The Line Between Sexuality & Asexuality


The world of sexual attraction isn’t always black and white, sometimes it’s shades of grey and this has nothing to do with ’50 Shades Of Grey’. We are talking about a lesser-known area between asexuality and sexuality which is called graysexuality. Being graysexual means a person may experience slight sexual attraction to others on an infrequent basis but they might never act on it. Much like other sexual orientations, graysexuality is about self-identification and it is really up to the individual.

Just like any other sexual orientation, asexuality comes in different forms and each one is vaild. It isn’t a state of being when someone is going through a “dry spell,” nor it is a phase, it’s just the way people are. So, let’s wave the rainbow flags once again, as aces need visibility too!


Featured Image: Instagram

25 Jul 2022

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