There’s just so much variety when it comes to boobs. Right, ladies? You’ve probably never met a woman who has boobs like yours – hell, even my left and my right one don’t match! So, it’s safe to say that we’ve all wondered at some point of time… Does boob size matter during sex? Well, we found a few great answers by men on Quora. Go on, satiate your curiosity!
1. ‘Boobs are are kind of like an advertising billboard.’ – Now, this one, we had never heard before!
Shakti Amarantha answers on Quora: So boobs are are kind of like an advertising billboard: bigger ones are more noticeable and get more attention for the brand or product. But once you’ve experienced the real thing, the size of the billboard doesn’t have anything to do with how you feel about the person.
2. ‘Her body has changed. I loved them this morning as I loved the first time I saw them.’ – Did we just find the perfect man?
Steve Black answers on Quora: Does it matter to me? No, but perkier is nicer. But has it ever been a deal breaker? No, never has. I have been with my wife through 25 years and a child, so her body has changed. I loved them this morning as I loved the first time I saw them.
3. ‘Enough to see them jiggle.’ – To each their own, right?
Brian Joe answers on Quora: In general, it depends on the guy. For me, not really. Enough to see them jiggle. Totally turns me on.
4. ‘It matters as much as any other time.’ – Very diplomatic, sir! We like it.
Simon Kunze answers on Quora: Some like huge boobs, some like tiny boobs.
Some like ’em all, and some probably don’t like boobs at all. Does it matter during sex? Well, I guess it matters as much as any other time.
5. ‘Technique in sex is what matters.’ – Wholeheartedly agree with this!
Anonymous answers on Quora: I won’t deny some people have a thing for big boobs but its totally of second importance. The sexyness lies in the nature of people. And technique in sex is what matters. Not the boob size or the butt size or the dick size.
You can read the full thread here on Quora.
So, girls, what do you think – does it matter, or does it not?