Wondering why your skin hasn’t improved during these past 5 months of quarantine? Well, there’s a common misconception that staying indoors and going makeup-free will give you healthy skin—this is only partly true. While it does help to an extent, it also takes a lot more to achieve healthy skin. Just putting your makeup on sabbatical isn’t going to cut it. ‘Coz here’s the thing, most makeup products aren’t necessarily ‘bad’ for your skin. It’s 2020 and many brands are now adding elements like Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E and other nutrients, SPF to their makeup products which are healthy ingredients for the skin. So, while it’s okay to take a break from your foundations, concealers, blushes etc., you also need to add a few habits to your daily routine if you want to get the skin you desire.
Lucky for you, we’ve noted down a few tips and tricks that can transform your skin and give it the boost it needs, from the inside and out—-and FYI you won’t need to break the bank. All you need to do is incorporate these tips into your daily routine and watch how your skin changes for the better.
1. Wakeup & Detox
You’ve probably heard your favourite celebs talk about their morning detox routine and the fact is, it does work. Your skincare products can only penetrate up to a certain level, so you also need to incorporate an inside-out approach. Waking up and having a glass of hot water every day puts you on the path to glowing skin.
The water clears out toxins from your system, delivers nutrients to your cells and keeps it hydrated, resulting in radiant skin. Aside from its skin benefits, consuming a glass of warm water when you wake up in the morning also improves your overall health.
If you want to make it a tad more delicious instead of having plain H2O, here are 3 popular detox drinks you can make at home.
Honey Lemon Water
This one is the most popular morning detox drink out there. Lemon contains vitamin C and is rich in antioxidants that help detoxify the body. Whereas honey is rich in nutrients, amino acids and antioxidants. Consuming this regularly can help prevent acne, increase immunity, replenish energy and it even aids in weight loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is known for its many skin and hair benefits, it’s also considered to be one of the best detoxifying drinks as it’s rich in antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of pure water and consuming it in the morning on an empty stomach can help flush out toxins from the body.
Green Tea
Green tea and detox go hand in hand. This tea is known worldwide for its detoxifying effects and its various health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties which are beneficial in controlling acne along with Vitamin B2 and Vitamin E, which help maintain collagen levels for youthful skin and support the growth of new skin cell. Be warned though—green tea is an acquired taste, in other words, it’s going to take you time to fall in love with it.
2) Give Yourself A Facial Massage
A good facial massage is more beneficial than you think, and best of all, you don’t need to go to the spa to get one—you can just do it at home. Adding this free and easy habit to your daily routine can help you get healthy, firmer skin. There are particular motions and points to keep in mind while giving yourself a facial massage at home. These right movements will stimulate blood flow, help you combat morning swelling and even sculpt and tighten your facial muscles.
3) Figure Out A Routine Your Skin Will Love
For most of us, with our busy schedules, our skincare products found their permanent place on the bathroom shelves. Well, not anymore! This quarantine has given us time to figure out a skincare routine that will work perfectly for our skin type.
If you need a little help figuring things out, you can start with the basics— cleansing your face twice a day, followed by toning and moisturising to keep the skin hydrated. Exfoliation once a week or twice a week can help get rid of dead skin cell and impurities and bring back your skin’s natural radiance.
4) SPF, Always
Just ‘cause you’re quarantined at home, doesn’t mean you get to skip out on your daily dose of SPF, especially if you are in front of your laptop or mobile screen the entire day. Even though you aren’t exposed to the sun’s UV rays at home, you are, however, exposed to blue light which is equally harmful to your skin. Here’s where your SPF saves the day. Sunscreens with SPF30 are high in antioxidants which will help fight free radicals and protect the skin from any blue light damage.
5) Exercise
Exercise is not only beneficial in weight loss, but it also works wonders for your skin. Regular exercise increases blood flow which helps nourish skin cells by carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout the body including your skin. It’s also a natural mood buster, so exercising for 30 minutes in the morning can help you start the day fresh, happy and with a clear mind.
6) Get Your Beauty Sleep
This quarantine has screwed up everyone’s sleep schedule but getting 8-9 hours of sleep every day is crucial if you want healthy, glowing skin. While we sleep, the skin works it’s magic by reproducing and repairing skin cells and it also absorbs skincare products much more effectively. So, along with getting your much-needed shut-eye, it’s important to always cleanse your face at night and top it off with night cream or serum. If your sleep’s interrupted, it hinders this process which eventually leads to puffy, dull and lifeless skin. So, put your phones away and get that much-needed Z’s your skin so deserves.
Follow these simple tips and you’ll be on your way to glowing skin!