TV actors Megha Gupta and Siddhant Karnik took their wedding vows last year in August in a quiet ceremony. The couple decided to ‘re-marry’ each other and we thought we would share the details about their ‘second’ wedding with you! They dated each other for almost a year and then decided to get engaged…and after scrolling through their pictures, we can tell that the couple is deeply and madly in love.
If you don’t believe us, just look at this picture. Doesn’t every girl want to be looked at like that by the love of her life?
Image: Siddhant Karnick on Instagram
And just take a moment and look at this adorable picture of the two lovebirds. Don’t you just love their jodi, just like we do?!
Image: Siddhant Karnick on Instagram
Who said a wedding has to happen only once? This duo decided to relive the moments with yet another wedding! Only, this time they decided to do it a little hatke.
Image: Solonie Pathania on Instagram
A picture says a thousand words…and if you put that into your mehendi, it’s just priceless! Is anyone else getting mehendi inspiration from this?
Image: Siddhant Karnick on Instagram
But what we loved the most about this shaadi was the bride’s filmy style entry on a bike!
Image: Megha Gupta on Instagram
She arrived like a total rockstar and just look at how excited she got…
Source: Anjali Dinesh Anand on Instagram
When the bride met the groom! They couldn’t hide their excitement!
Source: Anjali Dinesh Anand on Instagram
She also danced to the song ‘London Thumakda’ and won our hearts completely!
Source: Anjali Dinesh Anand on Instagram
Aww… They couldn’t have done it better! What do you think?
Source: Anjali Dinesh Anand on Instagram
You can watch the video of Megha’s filmy style bridal entry here.
We wish them a happy married life…once again!