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#BucketList: 20 Things You Should (Ideally) Do Before Getting Married

Yes, we know many of you are toying with the idea of getting married – whether now or sometime in the future. There are many considerations that come into play, of course, but we thought we would make you a bucket list of things to try out while you’re still un-hitched! This, ladies, is our list of 20 things things to do before marriage. Go ahead, try them out!

1. Experiment! (Before anyone’s around to judge you ;))

Try new hobbies, new jobs, Essentially, push yourself to try as many new things as possible without anyone else around to judge you. Basically, face your fears.

2. Date. (Try a dating website/app like Tinder before you hit Shaadi.com!)

It sounds obvious, we know, but you need to dip your feet in the sea before you settle for your very own swimming pool 😉

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3. Fall in love and go through a heartbreak.

It’ll ultimately help you grow up and show you why sometimes things don’t work out.

4. Make peace with your parents after those rebellious teenage years.

Trust us, a good (adult) relationship with your parents will come in handy after you’re married, for when (if) things aren’t working out quite as you expected.

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5. Get a pet (or a fish or a plant if you’d prefer to start slow or work very long hours ;))

So you know you can keep something besides yourself alive.


6. Go on a solo road trip.

It’ll teach you that sometimes it’s refreshing to be alone and it’ll help you clear your head.

7. Immerse yourself in whatever you’re doing.

You may never be able to devote quite as much time and attention to your job ever again.

8. Enrol and finish getting any post-graduate degrees you’re considering .

Whether it’s an MBA or a PhD, it’s so much easier to concentrate on finishing your degree without a husband to attend to or in-laws who demand your attention.

9. Have a spontaneous fling or two.

You haven’t lived until you’ve done the walk of shame. 🙂


10. Learn to love and appreciate yourself.

It’s the first step to loving and appreciating your spouse as much! Be comfortable in your own skin and learn to enjoy your own company.

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11. Learn to cook. And, no, Maggi doesn’t count as food.

After all, how can you get married without knowing how to cook aloo gobi! 😉

12. Go on a holiday with your fiance or boyfriend.

Travelling usually brings out the best and the worst in people.


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13. Party it up as much as you can with your single friends.

Once significant others come into the picture, it’s largely about people bringing their partners along!

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14. Move out of your parents’ home and learn to live the solo life.

If you’re sceptical about living alone, get a roommate! Learning how to run a household on your own is important.


15. Go through your fashion-experimental phase before you get hitched.

Crazy short hair, black boots with neon stripes – go crazy before your man and his family start tut-tutting their disapproval.

16. Get fit.

Not only is it healthy, but you’ll also thank yourself when you can wear that sexy little blouse at your sangeet.

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17. Have some idea of the type of person you want to end up with.

Yes, it’s impossible to find someone who ticks every box on your checklist but you don’t need to settle for someone who’s no where near what you had in mind.


18. Learn that looks aren’t everything.

We’re not saying disregard how he looks entirely(!), just don’t judge a book by its cover.

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19. Accept that loving someone is the easy bit.

It’s getting along and making a relationship work over months and years that is hard. Commit to putting in that effort.

20. And, finally, try living with the person you want to marry (if possible).

There’s no better way to test and strengthen your relationship and find out if you are truly compatible.


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GIFs source: india-forums.comfanpop.com, giphy.com, gifsoup.com

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06 May 2016
good points

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