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Carrot Juice For The Win: Try These Inexpensive DIY Remedies To Treat Your Acne

Carrot Juice For The Win: Try These Inexpensive DIY Remedies To Treat Your Acne

Acne is so annoying… and painful!

One minute you’re excited about a hot date that’s finally happening and the next, the biggest pimple you’ve ever seen pops out because it wants to third wheel 😭 Seriously, how come acne mostly visits you when you have an exciting event coming up? It’s like they know that you want to look your best and they’re like, “not today!”

Thankfully, there are a lot of ways we can show acne who’s boss, and one of them happens to be carrot juice!

Carrot Juice For Acne

When it comes to treating acne, the Internet can give you multiple tried and tested remedies. One such amazing (and pocket-friendly) way is with the help of carrot juice!


Here’s how you can use it to bid adieu to acne until next time:

Carrot Juice Spot Treatement

Have you ever tried a spot treatment to minimize the size of your acne before? If not, you’re definitely missing out! As the name suggests, you use spot treatment products to target the pesky spots on your face. Instead of applying the product all over your face (like a mask), you apply it only on your spot and let it work its magic.

Here’s how you can use carrot juice as a spot treatment:

You’ll need:


– Fresh carrot juice

– Cotton balls

Step 1: Soak your cotton ball in the carrot juice and squeeze out the excess.

Step 2: Leave the wet cotton ball on your face and lie down. Make sure the size of cotton balls is tiny otherwise, it will keep rolling off your face.


That’s basically it! You can also add a few drops of carrot juice into fullers earth (instead of adding water), 2-3 drops of rosewater, and use it as a spot treatment. It’ll not only dry up your acne super fast but also with minimal scarring.

Carrot Juice Mask

We all have a particular type of juice that we cannot stand! Nope, not even its smell! Unfortunately for me, it is carrot juice. Thankfully, I’ve discovered some amazing ways to utilize carrot juice that takes so much time to grind and make! My fave is using it as a face pack! Here’s how you can too!

You’ll need:

– Fresh carrot juice


– Aloe vera gel (fresh or market purchased)

– Curd

Step 1: In a bowl, add 2-3 tbsps. carrot juice and 2 scoops of aloe vera gel.

Step 2: Mix them well and then add 1 tbsp of curd in it and you’re done.


Note: This DIY face mask is really liquidy and water-based so yes, it is going to get everywhere. You can either use a cotton bud to apply it evenly on your stunning face or mix it with fuller’s earth or any other face pack too.

A Hydrating Carrot Juice Solution

Dealing with acne, especially if you have dry skin can be so daunting as we wouldn’t wanna do anything to strip off the natural oils from our skin. If your skin is dry AF, try this ultra-moisturizing carrot juice pack today:

You’ll need:

– Fresh carrot juice


– Olive Oil

– Cotton balls

Step 1: In a bowl, add 2 tbsps. of carrot juice and 1 tbsp. of olive oil.

Step 2: Using a cotton ball/pad, apply your DIY solution all over your face. It’ll not only help treat your acne but olive oil will hydrate and reduce acne scars effectively!


Why Will It Work?

Carrots are a rich source of vitamin C and A which have some amazing benefits for our skin. Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant that provides a natural glow to your face, brightens skin’s complexion, and also encourages the production of new skin cells. It also helps protect the skin from the sun’s wrath and thus, delaying signs of ageing.

On the other hand, vitamin C boosts the production of collagen in our skin that helps maintain the skin’s elasticity. It also helps reduce the appearance of acne scars, leaving a subtle yet healthy glow behind. Apart from these awesome benefits, carrots also have calcium, potassium, beta-carotene that helps keep our skin looking radiant.

Seriously, who knew that carrots have so many awesome benefits on our skin?


Are you ready to try this DIY solution to treat your acne or do you not carrot all?


Featured Image: Pexels.com

27 Aug 2020

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