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Funny Adult Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud (& Turn You On!)

Funny Adult Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud (& Turn You On!)

‘Meme creators, I will hunt you down and thank you’

Memes are a gift that’s instant, comes with a guarantee to make us laugh and are creative too. They are everywhere, so much so, that every situation of our lives has a meme, including sex. Yes, you heard it right! And sex memes are hilarious to a different level because they explain our intimate moments better than we ourselves can! So here are some funny sex memes that you will relate to. You know you wanna read them. Go ahead, funny adult memes are all yours 😉 Share them with your partner too and have a great laugh.

1. Under-stand-able!

1 sex memes

Source: Girlwithnojob on Instagram

2. Haha! That’s creative!

2 sex memes

Source: Sexual.humor on Instagram

3. Priorities, I tell you…

3 sex memes

Source: Eden Dranger on Twitter

4. Okay then… We didn’t see THAT coming!

4 sex memes

Source: Sexual.humor on Instagram

5. Spoke too soon, maybe?!

5 sex memes

Source: Highfiveexpert on Instagram

6. Haha! This is hilarious!

6 sex memes

Source: Highfiveexpert on Instagram

7. So many options but this one says it all!

7 sex memes

Source: Sophia Benolt on Twitter

8. Geddit? ( Haha! A funny adult meme taking you back to childhood)

8 sex memes

Source: Zack Arad on Tumblr

9. A new kinda role-play, hun?!

9 sex memes

Source: Imgur

These are hilarious!

25 Jul 2017

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