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If Someone Says You Have Saggy Boobs, THIS Should Be Your Reply!

If Someone Says You Have Saggy Boobs, THIS Should Be Your Reply!

‘Hey, have you gained weight?’ ‘Your arms look so fat in this top.’ ‘Wear black, it’ll make you look thin!’ ‘Your boobs are looking saggy…’ Have you ever got such remarks from people around you? If yes, you know how annoying – and upsetting – it is when someone comments on your body. I am someone who used to be skinny and I am someone who is not-so-skinny anymore. Being a victim of both, skinny-shaming and fat-shaming, I hate it when people comment on my body. It just isn’t done. How I look should NOT be anyone else’s business. Sadly, we live in a society where the definition of beautiful is derived from the shape and size of your body. It is derived from the colour of your skin. It isn’t acceptable if you’re imperfect. It isn’t acceptable if you don’t meet the so-called ‘ideal’ beauty standards. It isn’t acceptable if you’re dark-skinned. It isn’t acceptable if you are fat and it isn’t acceptable if you are skinny. Why? Just why should I meet these standards? Who made these standards? And no matter how much I try to get away from them, why do they keep following me everywhere I go? It’s time THIS stops. It’s time we all collectively stop it. This video by Love Beyond Sizes is what we all need to watch and share as much as we can. It talks about being comfortable in your own skin and it’s a must-watch for every girl. So what if you are skinny? And so what if you are not? Love yourself…just the way you are.


24 Apr 2017

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