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20  Adorable Facebook Statuses For The *Just Married* Girl!

20 Adorable Facebook Statuses For The *Just Married* Girl!

You know what they say, right?! If it’s not on Facebook, did it even happen? We all know that declaring your ‘just married status’ on Facebook is (almost) as important as the act of getting married itself. So get ready to be the newest funny, witty, and adorable Mrs in town – not without a little help from us of course! Pick your favourite marriage status for Facebook wedding status update!

Marriage Status For Girls To Post After Wedding

Just Married Status For Girls

Given below is a list of some amazing got married satatus for Facebook that girls can post after their wedding. Have a look!

1. Cheers To The Mushy But Sincere Bride

Was that a dream? #GenuineQuestion


1 facebook status post wedding

Also Read About Romantic Engagement Quotes

2. For The Ecstatic Bride!

OMG OMG OMG OMG <3 Can’t believe it’s done!!!

3. For The Informative Bride

Life Version 2.0 Begins Now


4. For The Funny And Witty Bride

Uh oh! Did we just promise to put up with each other’s annoying habits forever?

5. For The Sassy Bride!

Marriage is a relationship where one person is always right and the other is the husband.

5 facebook status post wedding

6. For The Tired Bride

Can’t decide what I need more – two weeks of sleep, a hug, or ten tequila shots? #married


7. For The Honest Bride

I’m a wife! *Awkward silence while that sinks in*

8. For The Bride Who’s A Little Extra

Mildly depressed I’ll never be a bride again! #TBH

9. For The Bride Who’s Feeling Thankful

Thank you all for being a part of our wedding. We hope your hangovers have finally worn off!

9 facebook status post wedding


10. For The Bride Who’s Feeling Emotional

Will it be too dramatic if I admit that I’m already missing home?

11. For The Cheeky Bride

Marriage is a union of two souls. It is also an official excuse to be gross around each other. *Burp*

12. Bride Who’s Excited For The Honeymoon

Thank you all for the excitement you showed at our wedding. This is an official statement asking you all to leave us alone for the next 15 days!  #HoneymoonDiariesBegin

13. For The Bride Who Appreciates The Small Stuff!

My husband woke me up today. What a great way to upgrade your alarm clock. #marriage


13 facebook status post wedding

14.Bride Who Knows What’s Coming Up

Aaaaannnddd it’s done! Let the cliché shaadi-shudaa jokes begin!

15. For The Romantic Bride

So this is what happily ever after looks like…

16. Bride With The Bollywood Vibe

Taken.. With all my heart and soul..


17. The One Who Dreams Of A Fairytale

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. #justmarried #blessed #reallifefairytale

18. For The Cheerful New Beginnings

Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after! #cheers #newbeginnings

19. Traveljunkie Bride

And the adventure begins… #travelpartnerforlife

20. Revealing Her Prince Charming

And I knew exactly how old Walt Disney’s Cinderella felt when she found her prince. #myprincecharming #loveofmylife


GIFs: Giphy , Tumblr

30 Mar 2017

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